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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.



TL;DW: BiquadTriple is a handy Airwindows cascaded biquad filter: steeper roll-off before resonance. BiquadTriple Here’s another utility plugin! This is the same as BiquadDouble, except it’s three stacked biquads. Otherwise the same: you get to set the frequency, Q etc. for all the filters in parallel. This saves time over doing three instances of Biquad, […]


TL;DW: BiquadDouble is a handy Airwindows cascaded biquad filter: steeper roll-off before resonance. Here’s another utility plugin! Some weeks it’s nice to be boring (for those reading this in the future, check the date: these are regrettably ‘interesting times’ where I live, most likely historically so) So it’s a boring old biquad. Except, if […]


TL;DW: BiquadOneHalf is an interleaved biquad filter like Biquad. Hi folks! Disregard this one. Unless you like basic tech demos and REALLY subtle subtleties. And the video demo didn’t come out, and it’s too late to do it over… time to rest up so future, better, more exciting plugins can get posted properly and […]


TL;DW: Biquad2 is the Airwindows biquad filter that’s more sweepable and synthy. This time, it’s time for the impossible! As in, there was a reason nobody was doing sweepable, ‘synthy’ biquad filters… Turns out it simply doesn’t work. One uses a different type, like state variable filters, for the synthy stuff. The reason is […]

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Decibelia Nix


GuitarTraveller – courtesy Johnny Wishoff

Podigy Podcast Editing Service

Super Synthesis Eurorack Modules

Very Rich Bandcamp

If you’re pledging the equivalent of three or more plugins per year, I’ll happily link you on the sidebar, including a link to your music or project! Message me to ask.