Airwindows Consolidated
TL;DW: Welcome to the Airwindows plugin for everybody else :)
Airwindows Consolidated Manual
Airwindows Consolidated Download
Most recent VCV Rack Module
For many years, I’ve built up a library of DSP effects, executed in a stripped-down, retro-friendly format that is impossibly light and efficient compared to how plugins usually are. It’s also completely overwhelming at nearly 400 plugins all with their own names (or iterations like Channel6, Channel7, Console8, Console9 and so on) and stuck on older formats like VST2, because for years I insisted that Steinberg might try to take away the legal right to put out VST2 plugins and I wasn’t going to risk that, being committed to supporting all possible machines.
Airwindows Consolidated fixes all those things, at a stroke. It’s just become the one true way for a lot of people to use the Airwindows plugin ecosystem, and it will be fully supported going forward as a format for all new plugins (at least, all new plugins that aren’t themselves a giant leap forward, more on that later). What do you get?
Airwindows Consolidated is CLAP native, and gives you all the things special to that format (as seen in the Manual, running as a CLAP plugin in Bitwig!) A lot of us feel this is the format of the future. Now it’s got all of Airwindows, native, and will continue to have the new plugins added.
Airwindows Consolidated is also VST3 native, so this is for the Cubase users and other folks who can’t get on with VST2 for whatever reason. It’s also for folks who can’t handle the ‘slider only’ minimalist look: there’s knobs! (the Rack version has knobs, jacks, and attentuators, because it’s a Rack module!). It’s also AU. It’s also LV2. Lots of native formats!
There’s also theming: it reads dark mode or light mode off your system setting, AND you can override that if you want. No more bright gray rectangles if you don’t like them. At a stroke, a lot of known issues are just gone. You can type in values in a text box (heck, I can’t even do that with my own VST2s in Reaper, only with the AUs).
Doesn’t stop there: Airwindows Consolidated has screen reader support. Why, I ask you, shouldn’t visually impaired musicians make AUDIO music? Airwindows Consolidated works with screen readers to properly read out all the text. So what’s this ‘all the text’, how hard could that be?
Airwindows Consolidated contains the entire Airwindopedia. Every plugin shows the entire Chris explanation given on release, in a sidebar. That’s close to a hundred and fifty thousand words, built in! And because you’re not going to read a hundred and fifty thousand words just to get started…
Airwindows Consolidated contains a whole menu system, which defaults to ‘Recommended’. That shows basically Airwindows’ Greatest Hits, the ones you’ll want to look at first. It’s a much smaller list, and isn’t always the most recent plugin in a series. For instance, Galactic2 is more specialized than the Recommended original Galactic. There’s also ‘Basic’, which is a set of plugins that are easily understood and used when you’re just getting started with mixing and music making, and ‘Recent’, which is just the newest stuff. And when you’re ready, there’s ‘All Plugins’, which opens up the menus to everything. (If you save a mix and then change the menus, it won’t take away your plugin just because the new menu setting isn’t listing it: you’re safe there)
This is all you need. It might be the only Airwindows plugin you ever download, because there’ll be a new build of it every week every time a new Airwindows plugin drops. Just re-download it and re-install. It has installers to make it easy for you to do that, and it’s an open source project so it’s hosted by Microsoft at their expense, not me and Paul. Downloading it costs us nothing, so go give it a try.
And who do you have to thank for this? Well, yes, it’s all nearly-400 Airwindows plugins. If those didn’t exist, neither would Airwindows Consolidated. But I wouldn’t have been able to do this on my own, even as an open source developer. So this is thanks to the inspired work of Baconpaul, of the Surge XT synthesizer project, who also made my VCV Rack module be a thing (and it is essentially the same as this: it should have all the same features and all the new plugins, each week). The whole Surge XT project deserves your attention and support, and there’s more than just Paul involved: for instance, EvilDragon has had lots of influence on the menu system, actively helped develop the categories, and at his request the entire Airwindows website now uses those same categories to help find stuff.
Airwindows Consolidated is out, and it’s gonna be at the top of my list of ways to download my plugins. This is a big deal. I hope you like how much easier this has made the whole world of Airwindows :)
Airwindows Consolidated Download
Most recent VCV Rack Module
download 64 Bit Windows
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
Mediafire Backup of all downloads
All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.
Great news and great work!
thank you so much. for consolidated and all your amazing work over the years. you are incredible.
this is a huge game changer! Everyone I’ve tried to put onto these plugins is scared off by the sheer amount and lack of categorizing and this will definitely be a huge selling point for lot of people! amazing work!
Great for beginners, awful for pros.
I hope future Airwindows plugins will continue to be released as single VST2/VST3/CLAP/whatever going forward, in addition to this Consolidated package offering.
This is a one-size-fits-all approach.
If I spend last 25 years sorting out my own plug-in folders and categories, then, this Consolidated is actually a thorn in my side.
This is huge! Love this Chris!
This is such an incredible work.Thanks a lot.
hi,i found that the Airwindows Consolidated show 32bit in the bit meter.not like the old version of this a bug or will update in next version?
Great work.
Thanks a lot.
This is incredible! I just mixed a track using purely consolidator, the cpu usage is very light! I think being able to save some custom settings/presets within the plugin would be a great workflow enhancer. Thanks for all your hard work Chris!
Chris, great job! The only one thing I wanted to ask you – to add oversampling to all plugins (x2 x8 x8 x16) PLEASE!!!
Muchas gracias por este gran trabajo!
Congrats Chris! Now those dinguses in my band who think ‘Airwindows too hard’ will have no excuse.
It looks amazing.I wish it had a normal intallation method.I downloaded it and got many filrs but no installer. bummer… thank you anyways though. i bet it is awesome
This is amazing Chris. Awesome idea.
I was basically wondering if you could make a censored version that omits swear words in the descriptions. It kinda makes me cringe when I want to apply Pyewacket (or whatever its called) to a sound.
Marvellous, thanks. Except that Github no longer works on Win32 so I have to use the Windows10 machine which has to update before it will connect to the internet, then warns me that three 5-year-old passwords are compromised and is slower than a snail with Parkinson’s disease. Progress, right?
Hi Chris
So far every Airwindows plug-in worked great on my Mac Mini OS 10.8,5 on Reaper but Consolidated does not show.
It will be great if Consolidated could work on old system
Anyway a big thank you for your outstanding work
This is absolutely WONDERFUL! Thank you so much
That’s awesome. Room for improvement: If every effect would initially do something (some are set to zero), we could instantly listen to the audible effect while clicking through the effects.
Is ther a protools version aax plugin?
The Plugin is amazing, can’t wait to check all the different Plugins out. One tiny request though, will there be an option to bookmark or favorite certain effects? I feel like that would be super useful.
Hi Chris,
I’ve installed the consolidated vsts and can access them in logic fine (they are unreal) but I also work with ppooll (DSP environment in MAXMSP) using the vst@ you can add folders of the vsts installed but I can’t get airwindows to show up anywhere. Any ideas? Thanks your stuff is incredible :)
@Sapphire Light you cannot be serious? do you ask the same of everyone in society when you step out into the real world?
super !
Impressive. Thoughtful. Generous.
Thank you, Chris.
Just heard of airwindows from a channel called AP Mastering. Thank you for making this available for linux systems too! Native linux support is hard to find sometimes. I’m so excited to try it out!
How awesome this is!
Big bonus karma for the screenreader support!
This is incredible; thank you to everyone involved and congratulations, Chris.
Was NC-17 not included though? I can’t find it in any of the sections with “all plugins” selected. It’s my go-to finisher for “bass music” projects on my master bus.
Looking forward to how you wield this sword moving forward. =)
…Disregard that; just found it in “Saturation” right after I posted the comment. Alls well & LOUD.
thank you thank you thank you
“For many years, I’ve built up a library of DSP effects, executed in a stripped-down, retro-friendly format that is impossibly light and efficient compared to how plugins usually are.”
How about a stripped-down, light & efficient folder name, bruh?!
“Airwindows (with BaconPaul and members of the Surge Synth Team)”
Deleted before even trying.
That is very nice! Thanks Chris and Paul, greetings from Brazil
i love this plugin so much thank you for making it
What an amazing idea and well executed <3 love it fits my workflow precisely! just need a shortlist generated by the user for ergonomics :)
are you going to support cardinal (a opensource ‘clone’) of vcv rack? is the licence compatible?
from the repository (
“It is a requirement that the final Cardinal binary is GPLv3+ licensed.”
since some years I use your wonderful plugins, I really want to thank you for your hard work!!…-have a wonderful year 2025!!
This is the best DSP tool ever created. This is not a gift, its a fabulous miracle.
Im a plugin fanatic searcher and also a electronic music producer who test everything all time.
Thank you for changing the world.
With love, respect and admiration.
Daniel From Brazil
I must have nearly 500 plugins in my Cubase 14. Everytime i load the VST3 plugin. I crash. Nothing else is able to crash my program. Any suggestion welcome. By the way, the standalone works fine.
Hello! First off I want to thank you for everything youve made. Truly commendable
I am posting because I’m having a bug with the consolidated plugin, on a fresh install of linux. I have an OLED high dpi screen on my laptop. When I open consolidated the contents of the plug in zooms correctly to suit my monitor, but the window itself stays at its original size and I’m unable to grab a corner and resize it. As such I can only see the top left of the plugin.
Hope theres a fix!
hopped on here to say big thanks to the developer of those crazy plugins they are so cool and all free! im very grateful