NJAD Redux

TL;DW: I’ve revisited Not Just Another Dither, to add a 16/24 bit switch and DeRez.


It’s late and I’ve been cranking away on a whole pile of plugins here, because it turned out I had to revise Beam and Dark too. (re-download them from where you got ’em if you’d like the updates)

This is because I started doing the more ‘normal’ dither plugins, and found that my DeRez code was making them go insanely loud at far reaches of the DeRez control: I put in a clamp so the maximum roar of bitcrush is 12 db down, even when it’s one bit or less. This might adjust the loudness of extreme bitcrush in your projects: any normal use, or use as a ‘simulated old school sampler’, will be unaffected. I’ll be having other dithers come out that need this volume clamp more: so far, Beam and Dark and NJAD gate off to silence so there’s a limit to how loud they can go.

I’d like people’s opinions on whether Dark is a suitable replacement for NJAD, in Monitoring. Though they don’t work exactly the same, and though there are things about NJAD that are pleasing, I still feel that especially at 24 bit but even at 16 bit, Dark is simply better. You can also compare Beam (I’ve updated that with a volume clamp too, re-download it) but I doubt that is quite as good. Each plugin has identical DeRez code, so you can set them identically to compare.

This work is supported by Patreon, and thanks to that I’m able to do many things. Like blow a month’s income on a microphone. Do you like the mic audio this week? If you do, I have some ideas on how I can make a simultaneous recording of that and my lavalier mic (very clean, though more noisy) and then do a plugin to apply the kinds of second harmonic distortion and transformer goodness my fancy pants mic boasts of. I’ll still prefer the real micโ€ฆ buuuut would you like me to take a whack at the ol’ faux Elam plugin? Apologies for not trying out a real Elam: that would be several years of income, ain’t happening :D also, I keep learning more about what you’d need if you can make a break for the big time, and you know I share all my information. See ya Monday, those who like to compare notes.