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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.


TL;DW: Pockey2 is more efficient, more intense lo-fi hiphop in a plugin.

So this is pretty rapid iteration. I’d been struggling with getting Pockey to willingly do 12 bit: the algorithm didn’t seem to like it, even crashed when I tried to go for 16 bit. Turns out it was counting bit by bit in order to do the analog bitcrushing thing. And there was another way to do it… but then other things had to change… and then other ideas started to happen…

Suffice to say, it earned its new version number.

Pockey2 takes the basic concept of Pockey and brings in an entirely fresh character, while running way more efficiently. Instead of analog-style floating point bitcrushing, it’s integer… but you’ll find the difference between 5037 ‘stairsteps’ and 5038 ‘stairsteps’ will amount to about the same thing, just way more easy on the CPU. Still uLaw, still a big sampler-esque texture, now letting you go from 4 bit all the way to 16 bit at no CPU penalty. There’s not a lot of point running 16 bit here as it’s still uLaw, but in case you’re looking for just the lightest possible ‘sampler’ touch on your 24 bit DAW track, you’ve got it.

Instead of analog-style floating point frequency crushing, that’s integer too… which means the adjustability of the super-bright frequency crushing will be ‘steppy’, not allowing fine adjustments especially if the DAW’s at 44.1k. But if you’re running 96k, you get a much broader range of adjustment! And you get to frequency crush down way lower than before… and the tone! Another reason Pockey2 is a new version number is that, while the tone of the frequency crush on Pockey was interesting and vibey, the stuff you can do with the different-sounding Pockey2 is beyond belief. Experiment with the DeFreq control and see what you get. There’s a little bit of the ‘sweep the digital sampler cutoff point’ still there, especially at deeper frequency crushes, but Pockey2 shines when finding just the right spot to entirely transform a sound into pure lo-fi hip hop classic sampler madness. Even more than the original Pockey, this one can completely transform a sound into retro digital.

You can use both. If you like Pockey and find its CPU use too heavy, DeRez it more, it struggles to get to high bit depths. If you like Pockey2, it doesn’t struggle with anything except sometimes with slowly sweeping a frequency crush way up high. I hope you like both Pockeys and find your best use for them :)

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All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.


TL;DW: Pockey is 12 bit (and under) lo-fi hiphop in a plugin.

This plugin is designed to give you the most vibe possible out of a particular target: 12 bit uLaw-sampled lo-fi hiphop. It’s based on earlier plugins like DeRez and BitGlitter, but is tailored to deliver just the right kind of warm fuzzy texture like an old sampler… or the Pocket Operator sampler that’s a lot more accessible than retro 12-bit is.

Pockey uses uLaw encoding to stretch 12 bit sampling to where it sounds pretty nearly CD quality, except there’s a whole vibe and texture you get through having the soft, delicate sounds slightly low-bit and the louder sounds even more crunchy than that. The lowest setting on the resolution slider is exactly 12 bit, and everything higher than that gives you progressively more lo-fi in an ‘analog bitcrush’ mode, meaning that it will gradually build as you turn it up, rather than jump from step to step. That way you can fade smoothly from 4-bit to 12, if you like.

The frequency crush effect is also special: it uses an edge-softening algorithm a little bit like PurestDrive, for the purpose of turning the harsh and grating frequency crush you’d normally get from a plugin, into something a little more resonant, more sonorous. It’s still a sort of digital nasty, but steps way over in the direction of ‘classic sampler digital nasty’, again in a way that suits the more chill lo-fi genres. If you’re looking to have it be as clean as possible, take your audio and explore in the very lowest settings of the frequency control for a spot that’s minimally intrusive, or a digital-sampler overtone that works best with the sounds you’re using. All the stuff near 0 ought to be well behaved. Then as you crank it up, you’ll get rowdier digital artifacts, but always with that softening that helps lo-fi hiphop provide a soothing backdrop to life: which is partly due to the absence of super-extended frequencies grabbing your attention.

It’s both an art and a science, and Pockey is there to help you find the art through me digging into the science of how these things are done :)

download for just the basics
download 64 Bit Windows
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
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All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.


TL;DW: Monitoring3 is Monitoring, but with Ten Nines into Dark as the wordlength reducer.

Here’s a little update for users of Monitoring! Monitoring is the end-of-2-buss plugin that allows you to check your mix in lots of different ways. You can get 24 or 16 bit output out of it (as in, direct to CD format for saving as 16 bit), lots of reference sounds like SubsOnly, SlewOnly, PeaksOnly that will let you hear your mix in a very different way (if it’s way out of balance when you can only hear the deepest subs, or the brightest highs, you can re-adjust things.) PeaksOnly shows you a fake and unnatural sound that will enhance the inaudible peak energy and highlight anything that might be too loud because it’s heavy on peak energy. You’ve got four variations on Cans for headphone mixing (which gives you crossfeed in the form of allpassed, blurred audio a bit like what PeaksOnly does), you’ve got mono and side checks, narrowed-bandwidth checks like Aurat (including one-side mono versions to more closely resemble use of a real mono mix-check speaker) and even utilities like VoiceTrick, which gives you mono with one speaker out of phase: position a mic exactly between the speakers and you can lay vocal tracks without headphones if you need to (not perfect, but it should work).

In short, Monitoring, but with one little change. Everything is the same, but now Monitoring3 uses Airwindows Ten Nines into Dark for the wordlength reducer. This was originally built into Console8: I’ve decided that was silly, especially since I make use of Monitoring a lot and had overlooked its usefulness. So if you’ve never heard of these, they’re final dithers (especially to 24 bit) with lots of interesting monitoring-check options, and 1, 2, and 3 all offer different wordlength reduction, being otherwise identical. Console8 is also being updated in place, the only change being that it no longer dithers to 24 bit. Instead, you’re to use the dither in Monitoring, or whatever else you wish.

download for just the basics
download 64 Bit Windows
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
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All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.

The original version, which didn’t apply the ultrasonic filtering on VSTs, is at


TL;DW: Flipity is a channel phase flipper/swapper utility.

This is per a request. Someone asked for a plugin to flip the phase of the left channel :) well, how about flip the phase of the left or the right channel? Or the phase of the left AND the right channel? Or swap the channels, L for R, R for L? Or, swap the channels and then flip the phase of what is now the left channel? Or swap the channels and then flip the phase of what is now the right channel? Or flip both?

That’s Flipity. Utility plugin that apparently isn’t available on some DAWs. Fair enough then :)

You’ll note that the rest of the video is mentioning that MY ALBUM IS OUT :D yep!

It’s called Welcome To Free Luna, and it’s for sale ($7 for a solid 73 minutes of music, 15 songs, 24/96 if you want it). Buying my album is both encouraging, helps me unlock stuff like the ability to do 25 minute proggy songs for the next album (unlocked!) and helps support my work with Airwindows, which continues at its usual breakneck speed. Heck, just in the C to Ds alone you have Chamber2, ClipSoftly, Dubly and Dynamics coming up, and that’s not even counting the split-off of the Console8 dither into its own version of Monitoring (and the removal from Console8BussOut, letting you use whatever dither you want with it).

Before today you’ve not heard any of the music from Welcome To Free Luna. I’d love to see this be the bandcamp-sized, Airwindows-sized version of a hit record, so if you never get on my patreon consider getting the album. Bandcamp lets you listen to the whole thing straight through several times before getting snippy, and I welcome you giving it that free spin, see if you like it.

The album is pure analog captured unprocessed on a Lavry Black ADC, and un-fussed with, other than heavy heavy nonlinear editing for effect and arrangement (like Eddy Offord used to do for Yes and ELP). The free tools I used there were not plugins, but I’ve made available my alternate firmware for the Music Thing Modular Chord Organ, and I will be releasing the breakbeat samples I used, both as high resolution raw samples, and as the special 12-bit versions I used in the Music Thing Modular Radio Music on the album, plus I’ll tell you how I did it. The theme of the album is human-AI relations, cyborgs etc. and the modular synthesizer is in fact composing about half the chords and breakbeats itself, just guided by me jamming along with it in a symbiotic relationship, so the album Welcome To Free Luna is itself an example of its own theme… but enough backstory, hope you like Flipity and hope you like the new album :)

Welcome To Free Luna, my new album!

download for just the basics
download 64 Bit Windows
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
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All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.

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If you’re pledging the equivalent of three or more plugins per year, I’ll happily link you on the sidebar, including a link to your music or project! Message me to ask.