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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.


TL;DW: BigAmp is a very flexible amplike thing with a taste for the bizarre.

Let’s go a little farther! BigAmp steps even farther away from what you might call ‘realistic’ amp sim behavior. It’s more like the Z series filters, or perhaps the X filters: you can make it act sort of ‘normal’, but it also lets you twist the knobs way beyond what’s realistic. So, you can use BigAmp for layering, or to supplement a sound, or just do strange things. There’s one more amp sim before I get into other, different plugins (and indeed different whole things like the sample instruments I’m developing, as heard in ‘Skronk’ and these demos) but BigAmp is perhaps the widest-ranging of the lot.

I hope you like it. I’m back in Canada for a while, but this time I’ve got everything I need for coding new plugins, and better internet, and this should be interesting. Have fun with BigAmp and keep an eye out for more stuff coming soon!

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download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
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All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.


TL;DW: MidAmp is a clean amp sim meant to work like a loud Twin or something of that nature.

Hi! There’s been a whole lot going on, among which: I’m going to be back in Canada pretty soon doing family things. However, this time I have all my coding stuff with me (retro machine, Raspberry Pi, the works) so I will be actively updating and making new plugins the whole time. I may even be able to livestream some of that coding work (I tend to assume this doesn’t really matter, but do people miss me doing that? I’ve gone to the trouble of setting up a mic I can bring along for that purpose and could do it again)

But today, slowed down by my web hosting falling over all morning, here is MidAmp!

It’s another amp sim, this one going for a high-powered clean combo sound. You know, a Twin kind of sound. It’s got a wide range of EQ and can be rolled off real far, and it can be extra bright and spiky if you want that. I demonstrate it in the video on a Tele part, then unexpectedly to dirty up a thumping bass (which it does really well) and lastly on some very aggressive drums to make them even crazier.

MidAmp is yours now, but all the things I’m demonstrating are part of a secret Airwindows skunkworks project that only began with Production Drums. It became my big pre-Canada-trip crunch: if all goes well I can start pumping this stuff out as rapidly as I normally do plugins, AND still do the plugins. (in these dark times I figure if I want my livelihood to compete with people needing gas money, firstly take care of yourself please but secondly I have to find a new gear that is sustainable or it’s a moot point)

That Airwindows skunkworks project is what’s been feeding the new tracks like Skronk, and the amp sims etc: I’ve also had some wild successes with EQs like XRegion. It is the Airwindows Free Studio Sample Library, and it’s gonna be entirely Creative Commons, fully licensed, and like the MIT licensed plugins in that you can use them, you can play with them, you can even make your OWN sample libraries from them so long as you credit me. It doesn’t get more generous than that.

And the ALBUMS I make will be on Bandcamp, for sale, and not ‘stock music’ but regular music like from a regular musician.

And there will be one coming, and more to follow: I cracked the code with CliffDiver and Skronk and am off and running. Keep an ear out on plugin videos in case you hear a track that’s not out yet! Odds are if it’s a Skronk-like Airwindows ITB creation, the tools I used to make it (including samples and loops etc) either are Creative Commons or soon will be. If it’s like the modular synth jams I’ve spent years refining, it’s probably totally analog and captured as raw stereo from an analog mixing board (this is my target for what I get the ITB stuff to do) but oddly enough if there is software, such as for my Chord Organ eurorack DIY modules, I will let you have that software too. And of course all the stuff I do developing chord structures, systems of tempos etc. are also free for you to have. It just seems like people are more interested when I show them WHAT can be done with these things, so there will be more of that, and I’ll direct you to whatever tools you need :)

Enjoy MidAmp. Once I’ve got my butt to Canada I’ll start putting all this in motion. I tend not to tell what’s in the works, but you would be amazed at how much work has been going on in recent months that I haven’t been able to mention… until now :)

download for just the basics
download 64 Bit Windows
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
Mediafire Backup of all downloads
All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.


TL;DW: LilAmp is a tiny amp sim, like a little bitty practice amp without that much gain.

Here’s a cute little monster for you! LilAmp is an alternate take on my amp sims (resurrected from way back when, and brought up to speed to some extent). Unlike something like FireAmp or GrindAmp, this one’s much lower gain and acts like little practice amps, but the kind with a lot of loudness and sonority.

You use this when you want more of a clean, articulate effect, or when you’re trying to highlight the treble and midrange (for instance, for leads, or to turn a snare into a loud, confined whack). You can make it be more mellow, too, but it will always be ‘LilAmp’ and speak up in a certain way. Something I found it useful for, is rhythm guitar that’s kind of Stonesy and not all that saturated: you can get the right kind of midrange bark out of it.

All these amp sims (there are more coming, too!) incorporate the cab sim stuff I’d also done back in the day, and they all have a rather special dry/wet control where backing off the full-wet sound gives you two stages of dry/wet, one for the cab sim and one for the amp sim. So things clean up in a distinctive way that’s not like any other plugin, or anything you could get out of a real amp, for that matter. Treat LilAmp as a flexible way to get this type of sound, because it’s way more interested in doing that, than in trying to mimic any particular literal amp. Rather than taking a real amp and EQing and shaping it to your mix, you take LilAmp and morph it directly until it does what’s needed (this applies to the other Airwindows amp sim plugins, too).

download for just the basics
download 64 Bit Windows
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
Mediafire Backup of all downloads
All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.


TL;DW: Shape is an asymmetrical waveshaper for peak manipulating.

Here’s a really basic building block for ya. The key word here is asymmetrical.

Shape is a simple, often subtle, little plugin for either pulling out, or squishing in, parts of the waveform. It’s based on the same basic technology as Console: complementary sin() and asin() functions. But in Shape, you’re picking which you want to apply, and you’re offsetting things so you can hit one side of the waveform more than the other.

Works like this. The Shape control determines what you’re doing. In the middle (0.5) you’re not doing anything. Increase it to 1.0 and you are stretching out the peaks of the waveform. Turn it down to 0.0 and you’re squishing the peaks of the waveform: like a soft-saturation but no boost, just restricting the waveform and making it distorted. The control scales all this so if you’re not cranking it out, you have lots of headroom and very gentle effects.

The Offset control interacts with this by shifting things from one side to the other: 0.5 is no offset, 0.0 is negative and 1.0 is positive (in my sound editor in the video, this is the top half of the waveform as positive). The effect of this, especially if you’ve not cranked out the Shape control, is to make the Shape control do its thing to only one side of the wave. You shouldn’t automatically crank this one out either: you can, for nasty waveshaping tricks, but the power of Shape is in how transparently it can manage the positive and negative swings of your waveform.

Also, when we’re reshaping the waveform so asymmetrically, that’s built-in even harmonics: this is a recipe for warmth. It’s like a turbo version of my PurestWarm plugins but even smoother, or like a variation of my SingleEndedTriode plugin. Use it gracefully (not cranking out the controls all the way) and everything you do will be tonal adjustments of great purity and subtlety, which is why it can be a bit hard to hear its effect when the controls are very near the middle.

So the trick is to know what way you’re using it. If you’re doing sound design and you’re trying to get a sound to swing fully in both directions, you can either pick the part that you think is swinging too far (pos or neg), set the offset to favor that, and pull back that side by setting Shape lower than halfway (cutting BACK the side you’re focussing on), or you can pick the side that doesn’t go far enough, set the offset to favor it, and turn Shape UP to bring that side’s peaks up to match the other side.

Or if you’re working on a bass and want it to be warmer, you can just choose between more Shape (more of a triangle-ey result out of a sine input) or less Shape (more of a squared result out of a sine input) and then lean the Offset one way or the other to get the warmth you want (not all the way, or it won’t be as smooth).

Or, you can take your bass that you want to be purer, and try to identify whether it’s too triangle-ey or too square-ey, and then apply Shape to nudge it more in the direction of a pure sine-ey tone. It’s a waveshaper, so you can stack them up to get a VERY soft square or a soft-pointed triangle out of any sine-bass you start with, or put ’em back to the sine shape, or lean the offset one way or another, all very transparently.

I don’t know how clear all this is, because you probably don’t have this function laid out in this way, and it’s too subtle for normal plugin makers to be able to sell you. Any commercial plugin where turning it up doesn’t equal ‘more’ plus you can’t always hear what it does, is in big trouble. But I’m Patreon-supported so I don’t have to follow those rules, so I can give you Shape even if most people don’t get a big charge out of it and throw their money :)

And so I have. Enjoy Shape. My hope is that it serves its useful purpose for those who need to tweak exactly this, as transparently as possible. And if you didn’t need to… maybe you just didn’t know it was a thing. It is now! :)

download for just the basics
download 64 Bit Windows
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
Mediafire Backup of all downloads
All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.

The original version, which didn’t apply the ultrasonic filtering on VSTs, is at

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