TL;DW: Flipity is a channel phase flipper/swapper utility.
This is per a request. Someone asked for a plugin to flip the phase of the left channel :) well, how about flip the phase of the left or the right channel? Or the phase of the left AND the right channel? Or swap the channels, L for R, R for L? Or, swap the channels and then flip the phase of what is now the left channel? Or swap the channels and then flip the phase of what is now the right channel? Or flip both?
That’s Flipity. Utility plugin that apparently isn’t available on some DAWs. Fair enough then :)
You’ll note that the rest of the video is mentioning that MY ALBUM IS OUT :D yep!
It’s called Welcome To Free Luna, and it’s for sale ($7 for a solid 73 minutes of music, 15 songs, 24/96 if you want it). Buying my album is both encouraging, helps me unlock stuff like the ability to do 25 minute proggy songs for the next album (unlocked!) and helps support my work with Airwindows, which continues at its usual breakneck speed. Heck, just in the C to Ds alone you have Chamber2, ClipSoftly, Dubly and Dynamics coming up, and that’s not even counting the split-off of the Console8 dither into its own version of Monitoring (and the removal from Console8BussOut, letting you use whatever dither you want with it).
Before today you’ve not heard any of the music from Welcome To Free Luna. I’d love to see this be the bandcamp-sized, Airwindows-sized version of a hit record, so if you never get on my patreon consider getting the album. Bandcamp lets you listen to the whole thing straight through several times before getting snippy, and I welcome you giving it that free spin, see if you like it.
The album is pure analog captured unprocessed on a Lavry Black ADC, and un-fussed with, other than heavy heavy nonlinear editing for effect and arrangement (like Eddy Offord used to do for Yes and ELP). The free tools I used there were not plugins, but I’ve made available my alternate firmware for the Music Thing Modular Chord Organ, and I will be releasing the breakbeat samples I used, both as high resolution raw samples, and as the special 12-bit versions I used in the Music Thing Modular Radio Music on the album, plus I’ll tell you how I did it. The theme of the album is human-AI relations, cyborgs etc. and the modular synthesizer is in fact composing about half the chords and breakbeats itself, just guided by me jamming along with it in a symbiotic relationship, so the album Welcome To Free Luna is itself an example of its own theme… but enough backstory, hope you like Flipity and hope you like the new album :)
Welcome To Free Luna, my new album!
download StarterKit.zip for just the basics
download 64 Bit Windows VSTs.zip
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download LinuxVSTs.zip
download LinuxARMVSTs.zip for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows VSTs.zip
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac AUs.zip
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac VSTs.zip
Mediafire Backup of all downloads
All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.