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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.


TL;DW: RickenbackerBass is the first set of instruments out of Airwindows Free Studio (CC BY 3.0)

Hi! Here’s something new. Turns out the music I make out of Renoise (such as Skronk) leads to a whole new set of Airwindows goodness, and it’s in the spirit of how I do the plugins.

This is RickenbackerBass. Still no graphics, sorry! This is not here to replace a Rickenbacker(tm) instrument. It’s a Renoise and SFZ instrument that is there to replace ME… or extend me in ways I could not, as a human being, do.

You get six different Rick instruments each playable at a distinct intensity level (lettered A through F: A is softest), three additional RickThumb instruments (A through C: A is softest) played off the thumb only, and a RickXtras instrument that gives you power chords, slides, and clicks/clacks for percussive effect.

All these are recorded in stereo, with the neck pickup on the left channel and the bridge pickup on the right. All these are extremely rowdy and nasty! They’re using Rotosound strings and a heavy attack, and although they are DI you’d hardly know it. They are also 24/96 samples, which will be normal for Airwindows Free Studio unless there’s something else worth doing (like 12 bit samples for use with Radio Music). You can blend them to mono with the Golem plugin, flange the neck pickup against the bridge, run the whole thing through an amp sim (or two amp sims, one for each pickup) or a filter such as XRegion or the Z2 series of sampler-style filters.

This is having me on bass playing the hell out of my Rick, only faster than my fingers could do, and without getting tired or making wrong notes. It’s designed for arrangement and composition: basically load the velocity level that’s appropriate and use that to get a consistent bassline, adding whatever accents or Xtra noises you need.

You can also adapt it into your own creation, and even sell that or redistribute it also for free. It’s a lot like my plugins. Now that I am making music and sample instruments for myself to use, I’ve got folks taking an interest in this and some of them are hot to have me monetize my work since they see how long and hard I’ve been working on it all. My compromise is this: when I put out songs and albums those are old school my property, not designed to be youtuber music or anything like that.

But the TOOLS I use? 100% patreon-supported free studio equipment for all. You’ll know the difference, I’ll be linking to bandcamp when I have songs and albums out (24/96 downloadable, and you’ll be able to hear everything on the album off the Bandcamp page). The samples, like the plugins, get a license (MIT and CC BY 3.0) and my blessing.

And much like my plugins, this is not normal marketing and product-making. This is real specific to how _I_ use things. This one is not set up with velocity layers, it’s manual, by instrument choice. Will I make a velocity layered one? Nope. Can you? Yes, and if you do then tell me in the comments. I’m off making something else.

Will I be prolific with these as I am with plugins? Maybe. Depends how much time I spend in Vermont tracking stuff that I can use on songs… but much like with the plugins, the patreon-supported freedom of this means I get to release stuff that’s DIFFERENT, on every level, and seed other people’s creations in the bargain, and move on.

I suspect if you work with this kinda stuff (or even just have ideas for how to twist it to your own nefarious purposes) you might be off and running with RickenbackerBass, just as it is. I really am serious that basslines ought to be made out of notes of consistent intensity, and that you should pick one level and use that for basslines, with any departures intentional rather than ‘isn’t it great my fumble fingers hit a note softer and now there is variety’. But if you’d like Rick A through F built into a single velocity-switched instrument… you can make one, and you can redistribute it under CC BY 3.0 :)

Mediafire Backup of Free Studio


TL;DW: BigAmp is a very flexible amplike thing with a taste for the bizarre.

Let’s go a little farther! BigAmp steps even farther away from what you might call ‘realistic’ amp sim behavior. It’s more like the Z series filters, or perhaps the X filters: you can make it act sort of ‘normal’, but it also lets you twist the knobs way beyond what’s realistic. So, you can use BigAmp for layering, or to supplement a sound, or just do strange things. There’s one more amp sim before I get into other, different plugins (and indeed different whole things like the sample instruments I’m developing, as heard in ‘Skronk’ and these demos) but BigAmp is perhaps the widest-ranging of the lot.

I hope you like it. I’m back in Canada for a while, but this time I’ve got everything I need for coding new plugins, and better internet, and this should be interesting. Have fun with BigAmp and keep an eye out for more stuff coming soon!

download for just the basics
download 64 Bit Windows
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
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All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.


TL;DW: MidAmp is a clean amp sim meant to work like a loud Twin or something of that nature.

Hi! There’s been a whole lot going on, among which: I’m going to be back in Canada pretty soon doing family things. However, this time I have all my coding stuff with me (retro machine, Raspberry Pi, the works) so I will be actively updating and making new plugins the whole time. I may even be able to livestream some of that coding work (I tend to assume this doesn’t really matter, but do people miss me doing that? I’ve gone to the trouble of setting up a mic I can bring along for that purpose and could do it again)

But today, slowed down by my web hosting falling over all morning, here is MidAmp!

It’s another amp sim, this one going for a high-powered clean combo sound. You know, a Twin kind of sound. It’s got a wide range of EQ and can be rolled off real far, and it can be extra bright and spiky if you want that. I demonstrate it in the video on a Tele part, then unexpectedly to dirty up a thumping bass (which it does really well) and lastly on some very aggressive drums to make them even crazier.

MidAmp is yours now, but all the things I’m demonstrating are part of a secret Airwindows skunkworks project that only began with Production Drums. It became my big pre-Canada-trip crunch: if all goes well I can start pumping this stuff out as rapidly as I normally do plugins, AND still do the plugins. (in these dark times I figure if I want my livelihood to compete with people needing gas money, firstly take care of yourself please but secondly I have to find a new gear that is sustainable or it’s a moot point)

That Airwindows skunkworks project is what’s been feeding the new tracks like Skronk, and the amp sims etc: I’ve also had some wild successes with EQs like XRegion. It is the Airwindows Free Studio Sample Library, and it’s gonna be entirely Creative Commons, fully licensed, and like the MIT licensed plugins in that you can use them, you can play with them, you can even make your OWN sample libraries from them so long as you credit me. It doesn’t get more generous than that.

And the ALBUMS I make will be on Bandcamp, for sale, and not ‘stock music’ but regular music like from a regular musician.

And there will be one coming, and more to follow: I cracked the code with CliffDiver and Skronk and am off and running. Keep an ear out on plugin videos in case you hear a track that’s not out yet! Odds are if it’s a Skronk-like Airwindows ITB creation, the tools I used to make it (including samples and loops etc) either are Creative Commons or soon will be. If it’s like the modular synth jams I’ve spent years refining, it’s probably totally analog and captured as raw stereo from an analog mixing board (this is my target for what I get the ITB stuff to do) but oddly enough if there is software, such as for my Chord Organ eurorack DIY modules, I will let you have that software too. And of course all the stuff I do developing chord structures, systems of tempos etc. are also free for you to have. It just seems like people are more interested when I show them WHAT can be done with these things, so there will be more of that, and I’ll direct you to whatever tools you need :)

Enjoy MidAmp. Once I’ve got my butt to Canada I’ll start putting all this in motion. I tend not to tell what’s in the works, but you would be amazed at how much work has been going on in recent months that I haven’t been able to mention… until now :)

download for just the basics
download 64 Bit Windows
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
Mediafire Backup of all downloads
All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.


TL;DW: LilAmp is a tiny amp sim, like a little bitty practice amp without that much gain.

Here’s a cute little monster for you! LilAmp is an alternate take on my amp sims (resurrected from way back when, and brought up to speed to some extent). Unlike something like FireAmp or GrindAmp, this one’s much lower gain and acts like little practice amps, but the kind with a lot of loudness and sonority.

You use this when you want more of a clean, articulate effect, or when you’re trying to highlight the treble and midrange (for instance, for leads, or to turn a snare into a loud, confined whack). You can make it be more mellow, too, but it will always be ‘LilAmp’ and speak up in a certain way. Something I found it useful for, is rhythm guitar that’s kind of Stonesy and not all that saturated: you can get the right kind of midrange bark out of it.

All these amp sims (there are more coming, too!) incorporate the cab sim stuff I’d also done back in the day, and they all have a rather special dry/wet control where backing off the full-wet sound gives you two stages of dry/wet, one for the cab sim and one for the amp sim. So things clean up in a distinctive way that’s not like any other plugin, or anything you could get out of a real amp, for that matter. Treat LilAmp as a flexible way to get this type of sound, because it’s way more interested in doing that, than in trying to mimic any particular literal amp. Rather than taking a real amp and EQing and shaping it to your mix, you take LilAmp and morph it directly until it does what’s needed (this applies to the other Airwindows amp sim plugins, too).

download for just the basics
download 64 Bit Windows
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
Mediafire Backup of all downloads
All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.

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If you’re pledging the equivalent of three or more plugins per year, I’ll happily link you on the sidebar, including a link to your music or project! Message me to ask.