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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.


TL;DW: StereoDoubler is like GlitchShifter optimized for pitch shift doubling and tripling.

StereoDoubler is another retro plugin I’ve had for a while, that is now available as open source and VST2 and M1 Mac and Raspberry Pi and so on. It’s using the basic concept of Glitch Shifter, so I should explain what that is first.

Glitch Shifter is my plugin for doing pitch shifting (and feedback on it, if you like) in a different way. Instead of smoothly interpolating over relatively small loops of sound to pitch shift, it works with potentially much larger loops, and searches for spots where it can seamlessly (or near-seamlessly) switch over without ever blending or blurring the sound. For that reason, it’s more up front and edgy, more personality, but it can also disconnect from the source audio in weird ways or glitch out like mad, hence the name.

StereoDoubler’s like two of those, tamed. Well, mostly tamed. It takes the source audio, and gives you a pitched-up version in one channel, a pitched-down version in the other, and lets you bring in dry for a center channel if you want. Because it’s still Glitch Shifter, it’ll give you faint ticking noises if it’s struggling to make its loops work, but it’s a lot tighter and more normal than Glitch Shifter usually is, and it’s simultaneously shifting up and down so the two sides will each have their own distinct glitch ‘personality’ while being as upfront and direct as they possibly can.

I hope you like it. Sometimes taking a wild experiment and reining it in a bit, is just the thing. StereoDoubler isn’t meant to work on every possible situation, it’s designed to be amazing when it’s in its element. Maybe your mix is its element :)

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download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
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All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.

Evergreens: Steely Dan’s ‘Do It Again’

I think I’ve found out how to do these, so let’s get started. I’ve got a lot of ground to cover.

Evergreens asks the question: what is it about these classic hit records that makes them so amazing? I’ve spent years, decades, developing the ability to get sounds through the digital medium that still speak to a listener, but is it a waste of time if you’re not the Beatles? Are some heights reachable only by a generation of which we won’t see their like again?

Nope. You only have to know what you’re doing and why, and THAT is what Evergreens is all about.

We’re looking at great records that have stood the test of time, and while we are to some extent interested in their musical value we’re going to take a good hard look at EXACTLY what the music sounds like in its natural, original form: as released, the form that people initially responded to. We have many options: anything people openly use on react channels ought to be available. We can also do a rather interesting thing: you’ll see that a major part of this format is METERING, showing how loud the tracks were and what was happening with the peak energy (you know, what everybody limits or clips off automatically these days).

Through looking at where the peaks are distributed in the sound, the ‘cloud’ showing where they lie on a second-by-second basis, and the color which indicates the frequencies at which these peaks tend to hit, we get a literal picture of the hit record sound… which is also able to show us where the CD remasterings and loudness rebalancings went horribly wrong.

Today’s video never went horribly wrong. Steely Dan always sounds good no matter what. Even so, it’s possible to see how the still-very-good streaming service version is louder, harder-edged and doesn’t deliver the hit record sound as well as the original vinyl does. We talk a little about musical details of Do It Again, including a wild notion (on recording this I felt certain I heard three lead vocals, a triple tracking in L C and R. I’m no longer sure of this: thoughts? Is it only two? I think it may be three).

And then I’ll ask you to study the meters, as we listen through to the uninterrupted Do It Again off the original vinyl. And understand: if I captured this to a simple CD, and played it back, it would be a bit flatter but would read about the same. This is not about fetishization of the original recording materials, or a slam on digital. You ought to be able to get a charge out of this sound directly off YouTube, and that’s not only digital but low bit rate lossy compressed, yet you’ll still get a sense of what’s here. It’ll shine right through.

This is about how to get these sounds yourself, with DAWs, plugins, and the choices you make in recording, mixing and mastering. I know how to do this by now and you can too. Join me on this journey into the evergreens with Steely Dan’s first single, Do It Again <3


TL;DW: StereoChorus is a nice basic stereo chorus.

Hi! This plugin is actually the one that kicked off the work that gave you StereoEnsemble. I got a request: please give me StereoChorus, like you used to have back in the Kagi days, I need to use it as nothing else will do.

It’s a bit funny as I didn’t remember it being that special. I mean, it’s got some odd tricks in the interpolation, it scales according to chorus speed so all the settings feel about equally intense, but it didn’t seem to me like anything that amazing, so I hadn’t got round to porting it to VST and open-sourcing it.

So now I have. It’s still got some of the interesting choices I made back when I coded it: for instance, it’s actually running a fixed point buffer at a rather long word length. Maybe this has something to do with the sound my user wanted to have back? However, I’ve added a few things. It’s now got modern dithering to floating point (on 32 bit busses) and I’ve added undersampling… so that it can sound the way it was meant to, even at elevated sample rates, while using lower CPU to do it. All in all it’s not the most outrageous plugin, but you know I’ve got folks fond of specifically it, and so I’ve brought it to VST form and open-sourced it just as it was, and maybe you too will find something special in it.

As you can see I’m still experimenting with video making, and as you can see I’m still making songs and working out ways to share them. Expect the one behind this plugin demo to show up, and my time up here in northern Canada is leading to a lot of interesting ideas I’m eager to explore… some plugin, some non. More will be revealed, or so they say :)

download for just the basics
download 64 Bit Windows
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
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All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.


TL;DW: FireAmp is a bright, loud, tubey amp sim for leads and dirt guitar.

Hi! Still taking in the incredibly long days way high up in British Columbia, Canada, and though I’m still struggling to get my work done (late posting again, and a woefully out of focus video: better next time!) I do have a plugin.

And it’s a guitar plugin… and though I can’t have a guitar up here, I cobbled together a bit of madness in the tracker program Renoise, mixed it in Reaper, and I’ve got a guitar-driven track that’s stranger than any human would actually play. Bodes well for the ability to do interesting stuff up here… or indeed for anyone on a laptop with a bunch of programs and plugins! I’m still looking forward to having real guitars though :)

FireAmp’s the first in a set of old/new plugins I’m doing. They’re the opposite of your usual guitar plugin arsenal: no multi-effects, no squishy thick tone color, barely even settings. FireAmp is ONE tone, that aligns with some kinds of things I like to do with guitars. It sits in the mix like a classic rock track: you’re hearing it with a set of retro tones that blend with FireAmp (in fact, the bass is a Rickenbacker, and the neck pickup’s through another upcoming Airwindows amp sim but the bridge pickup is also through FireAmp).

If you want to get freaky with it and want a tone stack, you might try putting ZNotch in front of it, or MackEQ… your tone stack doesn’t HAVE to be part of the amp sim plugin. Just sayin’.

It runs zero latency so you can track through it. It’s loud, bright and sonorous, raw as hell, high impact, no gloss or glitz. Even if it’s not your pet sound you might find a use for FireAmp on layered guitars or other sounds… and unlike the original, it has undersampled FireCab built in for its matched tone, and it has a sophisticated dry/wet control that begins giving you raw amp AND raw signal to provide a range of more open tonalities through the high gain amp sim madness. This makes it an interesting choice for dirtying up non-guitar signals: the dry/wet will let you tailor that in interesting ways.

I hope you like it. There’s more to come, all of them just as quirky and one-trick pony as FireAmp. Back in the day, I liked to alternate real miked guitar amp usage, with stuff like the Rockman, to get different textures. FireAmp is one such different texture, and you never can tell when it might be useful :)

download for just the basics
download 64 Bit Windows
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
download for the Pi
download Retro 32 Bit Windows
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac
Mediafire Backup of all downloads
All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.

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GuitarTraveller – courtesy Johnny Wishoff

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If you’re pledging the equivalent of three or more plugins per year, I’ll happily link you on the sidebar, including a link to your music or project! Message me to ask.