TL;DW: ZHighpass2 acts more like the Emu e6400 Ultra highpass in motion, with coefficient interpolation.
By request, here’s the followup to ZHighpass!
ZHighpass2 is the followup that adds coefficient interpolation to my Z-Plane Filter emulation. Which of course is not to say that I had the code, or took apart the machine and cloned the schematic: no, these plugins are about running a reference sound into the real live Emu e6400 Ultra sampler, and smashing the crud out of it to get the most out of the filters and their distinct color and behavior, and then trying to mimic that in a plugin purely by ear.
The original Airwindows Z filters run more efficiently because they’re not asked to do as much: they have the same tone but aren’t trying to smooth zipper noise and interpolate, so if you need fixed filter settings don’t overlook those. However, half the fun of a real live sampler is to get funky with it, and so ZHighpass2 follows ZLowpass2 in adding the smoothing to everything, so you can automate whatever you like. Remember it’s set up to have lots of distortion and gain on tap, keep the input and output real low if you’re not just trying to melt the thing down (0.1 will give you basically unity gain, and the output will let you pad things a whole lot if you need to)
Note also that I found an uninitialized variable in the previous ZLowpass2: the smoothing of the Wet control wasn’t being started out correctly. It didn’t seem to do anything but all the same I’ve fixed it: redownload it if you’re concerned, or use the updated version that’s in the big plugin collections below.
Join me tomorrow on my YouTube channel for a coding livestream and some questions: for the streaming and hanging out, would anyone like to move over to Twitch? I feel like that might be a better place for that sort of thing. I wish you could see all that goes on behind the scenes, but one thing’s clear: I need to let people in on a little more of that, I think. There can be days of work that go into little glimpses of stuff, like my take on a new way to approach breakbeats in the Bespoke environment. Might as well take it all to a platform where ‘hanging out as I slowly work through stuff in audio production’ is what people expect to be doing :)
download 64 Bit Windows VSTs.zip
download Signed M1/Intel Mac AUs.dmg
download Signed M1/Intel Mac VSTs.dmg
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download Retro 32 Bit Windows VSTs.zip
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac AUs.zip
download Retro PPC/32/64 Mac VSTs.zip
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