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TL;DW: Isolator3 is Isolator2, but on one slider, with a band-narrower control.

Isolator3 in Airwindows Consolidated under ‘Filter’ (CLAP, AU, VST3, LV2) standalone(AU, VST2)

Isolator3 is basically a request. I got asked for an isolator filter ‘on one knob’, which I’ve seen around but I’ve not used myself. Basically it means middle is full-range, to the left you’re lowpassing and to the right you’re highpassing.

Turns out you need to run it as two filters because it’s impossible to ‘switch’ the biquads inside it, from one role to the other. So you constantly run two filters one of which you can’t hear the effect of.

Except then there’s the Q control, which does not actually control the Q of the filters. They’re still steep, stacked-up filters without special resonances of their own. But when you turn up the Q slider, the cutoffs approach each other, turn into something like a bandpass on the fly. Full up, it should act a little like a resonance. To go back to full range, turn Q back down to zero and Iso to 0.5 (the middle).

Lastly, this is lots and lots of filter stages all of which are smoothed for better modulation… but it’s made of biquad filters, which don’t like being modulated, and then it’s two types of filter run into each other. I’ve put in safety clipping because it turns out that if you yank the control around real crazy, it’s easy to get Isolator to glitch out. The glitches aren’t always useful sounding but now and then it emits really weird synthetic burps and frills and so I’ve just made sure it can’t blow up the output too bad, and then left it to its own devices. So, use Isolator3 with smooth intentional motions for traditional effects, yank it around madly if you want it to spit digits and sparks at you, have fun is the most important instruction.

Hope it works as I got COVID returning from my vacation and it is heavily still with me so I’ve lost a bunch of steps. Not ideas, it’s just that this is a good time for me to work through the backlog a bit. May or may not livestream in the upcoming week and if I do I won’t be talking for eight hours at a stretch: probably won’t need to go to the hospital but will check with a doctor. I’m in my space, Chris’s ‘hunting for ideas mountaintop’ and it’s no biggie for me to hole up for a few weeks. See ya again next week with something else from the backlog! :)

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TL;DW: ToTape7 is Airwindows tape emulation with Bias and Dubly.

ToTape7 in Airwindows Consolidated under ‘Tape’ (CLAP, AU, VST3, LV2)

So about that simplification of ToTape? Nah. But… set everything to the middle and you can ignore all the many controls.

ToTape7 not only upgrades pretty much every single thing about ToTape, but it brings new functionality beyond any previous version (even when they’re good) and it lets you go completely bonkers tailoring signature new sounds however you like them. This is the ToTape for people who wanted all the controls, and more. It’s the ToTape for salvaging any sort of audio no matter how DAW-like it is… and it’s the ToTape that can be stripped right down to serve as its own FromTape, anytime you like, or if you’re trying to run lots of channels of it because you want to tape all the things and then mix them down also to tape. Which it’s great at, by the way, as it soaks up loudness super well and even has a ClipOnly2 built in so it can serve, standalone, as your ultimate loudness clipper.

ToTape7 has exactly as many controls as you can fit in Airwindows Consolidated, which means it’ll also run in VCV Rack. That means there are some possible controls it skips, and exactly one control that’s dual-ganged with two things riding on one single knob. It’s just a different knob this time: used to be dual-ganged on the knob marked Soften. The controls from top to bottom operate Dubly Encode, Drive, Flutter, Bias, Head Bump, and Dubly Decode. Again, set everything to the middle for ‘normal’, but you can go way past normal if you want.

Dubly Encode (not the same thing but the same concept as a famous noise reduction system) applies a brightened and compressed boost to the audio pre-tape, with the amount governed by Amt and the highs cutoff by Freq. (Dubly Decode is exactly the same, except it simply subtracts the effect it makes: this is the secret Seventies tape sound, especially when you tune the Dublies to produce effects). Match them to get mostly ‘normal’ sound, mismatch them for effect: mind that you don’t boost Decode Amt too much or it will produce sort of anti-crunch sound, going past ‘cancellation’ to obvious distortion. (or do it if you feel like it, I’m not your boss)

Tape Drive is your boost (or pad). 0.5 is unity gain. Boost if you want lots of tape drive, or to loudenate. You should have a good ability to do this and make it sound the way you want. Since Dubly was added, it’s even better at allowing for clean gain here, as Dubly tends to suppress harmonics from distortion.

Flutter is like Flutter2, but is NOT exactly the same. It’s updated, even since Flutter2, for the purpose of letting the ‘3D tape’ emulation (letting tape bend laterally as well as stretch) be more accurate. It’s also toned down a bit so 0.5 gives you a reasonable, real-world flutter effect. The two channels will use their randomness to try and chase each other a little, much like how TPDFWide does the same thing to be LESS correlated. Turns out with default settings this is really, really good at getting a spacious tape realism without letting the imaging go too weird. You can also bypass the whole thing by setting Flutter to zero: if you’re running at low sample rate, consider doing that if you’re running lots of ToTape and losing the extreme highs. I might not run Flutter on multitracks, just the buss.

Bias is usually set to slight overbiasing. It’s like GoldenSlew, but it’s simplified and it’s being run between Dubly encode and decode, so it’s acting differently from the standalone GoldenSlew. Underbiasing also works but is a different algorithm that’s probably not going to be people’s first choice, but you can do it. Slight overbiasing is your best weapon against unpleasant tizzy highs.

Head Bump is like DubSub2, but it too is updated even more to get more out of ToTape7. There’s a highpass built in at 0.5 setting that balances the bump against the rest of the audio, making it so if you stack up the plugin it doesn’t get too messy, modeled after references of real tape machines doing multiple generations. Anywhere you set the head bump frequency should get reasonable results with Head Bump at 0.5. If you pull it back OR boost it, you begin to drop the highpass as you do that, meaning it will either crossfade over to the original digital bass (with extended subs) as you reduce the bump, or it’ll start adding even more exaggerated bump to the original bass as you crank. So, it’s a special voicing for doing all of the things, with 0.5 as the ‘peak realism’ and most restrictive setting. Ouside that, just pick whether you want less ‘tape bass’, or ‘mega bass’ by combining the source and the bump.

Said bump still does the thing from DubSub2 where it’s also giving a mild notch at double the frequency, which is characteristic of pretty much all real tape machines. You get to pick the frequency, because why would you be tied to a given machine when they’re all different frequencies already, and when the heart of the effect is not getting the frequency right, but the unusual Airwindows head bump algorithm that’ll work just fine however you voice it?

And Dubly Decode helps you get even smoother, more compressed sound out of the tape saturation, and lets you dial it in by both amount and frequency. Be aware that it’s a really gentle treble-slope, so making subtle changes to frequency will have an effect on the character of the sound but won’t produce wild effects. Basically, if Dubly mostly balances but Enc is crossing over lower than Dec, there will be a sort of lower midrange hype that comes through: if Dec is lower than Enc, it’s going to be drying up that energy and making it a bit tighter. They’re supposed to cancel out, but half the reason classic records all sound different from each other is that this system in real life required a lot of fussy tuning, and some people set it up by ear and ended up with distinct tone qualities for their studios when they did. It’s not so much ‘EQ’ qualities as texture. Experiment with it to see if you have preferences.

And that’s ToTape7! Ought to hold people for a while, and be a decent upgrade from ToTape6, even though people really like that one (and it’s still there so you can still have it anytime you want).

I’m taking a couple weeks to just rest up, during which there won’t be plugins or livestreams, but I’ll be back early in September, to resume work on ConsoleX. That’s the next thing I’ll be working toward, and I think it’s going to be exciting. Enjoy ToTape7 and see ya in September :)

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All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.


TL;DW: TapeBias is a new piece of ToTape allowing you to underbias or overbias.

TapeBias in Airwindows Consolidated under ‘Lo-Fi’ (CLAP, AU, VST3, LV2) standalone(AU, VST2)

Closing in on the big update to ToTape, and here’s a helpful detail, that’s not existed in ToTape before. I’ve been doing recalls and rebuilds of the big ToTape7 for weeks, but this little aspect more or less worked right away.

Biasing a tape means adding a really high frequency to the sound, a supersonic frequency like 40k. You record to the tape, and this frequency being there means the iron oxide (or whatever metals are in use) gets jostled around, enough that slow gradual changes can be represented properly. Without it, signals kinda get stuck, It’s like dither for tiny metal chunks stuck to plastic!

So there are two ways to go about figuring this one out.

One is to painstakingly model the whole system, in mathematical perfection, while overprocessing the heck out of everything, and then stick a virtual faceplate on it. And presumably charge a bunch of money. Not my jam.

The other is to HACK AWAY like mad until you can make noises that SOUND LIKE what’s happening, ideally with nice simple algorithms that will retain the digital tone better. But what even is happening?

TapeBias is bypassed at 0.5. Perfect bias here means it applies NONE of the processing. In fact in the final ToTape7 (next week if all goes well!) you can literally bypass the processing at 0.5 to save CPU: it won’t be doing anything anyway.

If you overbias, which is commonly suggested as a good practice within reason, you’re applying this high frequency tone louder and louder. That will record onto the tape too, in fact you can de-flutter using it, but it’s also eating up headroom: maybe, lots of headroom. If all your tape headroom is used up trying to record a supersonic tone, and bear in mind there’s a boost/cut dynamic for treble already to try and minimize noise (not even counting Dubly!) then you’ll be clipping the real highs more easily if the bias is too intense.

In comparison with test files recorded on real tape machines, I found that GoldenSlew did the nicest job of acting like the sound of overbiasing. TapeBias uses a very slightly changed version of GoldenSlew on overbiasing. If it’s inside ToTape7 it’s an even better effect because it combines with everything else, but in this case you have basically GoldenSlew for when you overbias.

By contrast, there’s no such existing effect that acts like underbiasing. I could refer to a real tape recording and see the odd flat bits that pop up when the biasing isn’t quite enough to handle the audio. The sound is known to go a little brighter, sort of dry things up… a possible sonic effect, especially if it’s a plugin and not a giant pain to recalibrate tape machines just to do.

Turns out it’s possible to do an algorithm that acts quite a bit like what happens with underbiasing, except that rather than put in flat bits of audio, it puts in slanted bits that do about the same thing… and it’s a simple algorithm, and you can bring it in subtly or make it obvious. And it works very nicely in ToTape7, inside a full tape emulation with all its parts… but here you get it a week early, all by itself. Because, why not? Why not be able to use that part of the effect, isolated, perhaps for some sound design purpose, or to do weird things with LFOs in VCV Rack or who knows what else?

So, here’s TapeBias. Turn it up to overbias, turn it down to underbias. Have fun :)

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All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.


TL;DW: DubSub2 is the essence of the Airwindows head bump.

DubSub2 in Airwindows Consolidated under ‘Bass’ (CLAP, AU, VST3, LV2) standalone(AU, VST2)

The final element for reinventing ToTape is in place, with DubSub2!

I’ve always used this one particular algorithm, both for ToTape and for various bass-emphasis plugins. It acts like a combination between an IIR filter and a saturation. And it’s got fantastic sound, but with a catch: it has to be controlled in the higher frequencies or it’ll sound growly and distorted if you push it, and it’s unstable.

That’s literal. I have to do stuff to control it or it will throw bass so hard that it sits around pushing DC. The algorithm has to be filtered because it’s unstable, it’ll constantly bring up deep bass no matter what. The sound of it is intrinsically tied to this behavior.

So, what if I tried the technique I use in Parametric, and set up some biquad filters as bandpasses, and then stack them (slightly staggered, for tone purposes) to get better rejection of unwanted DC energy? What could go wrong? Well… it’s tricky. If you do that, phase shifts will cause there to be a cancellation around the bandpass frequency. You’ll get notches, the placement depending on what your filter bandwidth is.

But hang on. Jack Endino’s got a webpage where he’s measured lots of real analog tape machines, showing the head bumps. And the thing is, on his measurements there’s consistently a notch there, too. It’s exactly an octave above the head bump, and that’s part of the sound.

So what’s the bandpass resonance, when you’re using two of them stacked, and then you want the notch produced by the phase shifting (already an unusual choice) to line up exactly an octave over the head bump resonance, so that your DubSub2 head bump will consistently behave like the real thing? You can set the head bump frequency to whatever you like (Jack finds that doubling the track width halves the head bump frequency, and of course going from 15 ips to 30 ips doubles the head bump frequency, and the notch stays exactly an octave higher). But the Q is what positions that notch. Since there is clearly no correct value for such a bizarre experiment, since super-shallow Q won’t work, since using Butterworth (0.7071) is slightly too tight… what’s the resonance number for the two stacked bandpasses?

The golden ratio.

…hope you enjoy DubSub2, and this is what will become the head bump for ToTape7 :)

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All this is free and open source under the MIT license, brought to you by my Patreon.

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