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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.


TL;DW: Precious is a re-release of another old Character plugin.

So this is pretty straightforward: another Character re-issue, now free and open source and available in VST form. Woot!

Might serve as a good color-adder, or fake guitar amp? Based on Precision 8 impulses, but it’s turned into very much its own thing: I think this became Holo in the Busscolors plugins. In the original form, here, you can crank up the color intensity a lot, or distort the hell out of it.

Most of my attention has been taken up, today, by putting out the Airwindows Psych LUTs: I not only put out the first gradiated set of custom Airwindows LUTs (for videomakers, photographers, anybody needing a visual ‘plugin’) but I also made nearly an hour of video walking you through how to do just that in an image editor. The idea is to put tools in the hands of people, and how better than to talk you through the whole LUT creation process so you can experiment yourself, and then use your own creation in a free program like OBS? But I also made available the Psych set and explained what that’s about.

So, Precious is just there for you as another free plugin… and a way for me to mention a whole other world of creativity I’m beginning to supply. There ain’t no LUT forums, so far as I know, so consider that my ‘one more thing’… and I hope you like both that, and Precious.

All this is supported by Patreon, and I’m beginning to see some of my grander goals look more realistic. Key word is ‘Soldercore’: get your soldering iron handy, or get yourself one. We’re going to make stuff :)

Making LUTs with Chris from Airwindows

Here’s something a bit different!


LUTs are LookUp Tables for camera adjusting, video making… all sorts of things. And you can use them in the video streaming software I use, OBS (and in many other places!)

I’d been seeing a wild video effect in the Buchla videos of Kevin Rix, and was trying to track down how he did it. Outboard video synthesizers? And then it hit me… LUTs! I figured he was making really wild, aggressive LUTs and applying them to just whatever video footage he had. And I began to experiment…

Here’s the first official result. Airwindows Psych LUTs. This is a set of LUTs that will give you very plausible ‘psychedelic’ effects, like they were a set of lens filters you can apply. There’s a whole series, from 2 to 64: they’re based on ‘posterize’ effects, so higher numbers mean more subtlety and lower numbers are more aggressive. These bridge the gap between wild color effects and high quality video.

The video walks you through how I made the set, and produces a series of different wild effects LIVE ON CAMERA, often of visual stunts on the reference image that I then apply live to the video as it’s being made. Fun is had by all! And depending on how well you get along with free image editors (and what options they’ve got for editing), you can do every bit of it with FREE software. And you can have the Airwindows PsychLUTs free as well, saving you the trouble of coming up with your own (which you should also do).

All this is supported by Patreon, and though you should take care of yourself first, giving me money clearly only encourages me :D so, you’re going to see more creative tools of ALL sorts being shared and given away here. I get to give you all the tools I can think up, because I don’t have to take money for the tools. People chip in to keep me cranking away on all this stuff full-time, and some bits are a lot of fun. Learning the ways of LUTs is great fun, especially if you mean to make music videos… here’s stuff you can use even if you don’t have a budget. I’ll make more :)

Tape (Redux)

TL;DW: Tape needed to get improved. So now it is!

For a plugin that’s supposed to be the simplest, easiest, least fussy and most ultimate tape mojo ever, this sure has been through a lot of changes.

First, it came out with a quirk of level setting, where the gain trim didn’t work exactly like just altering gain into the ‘tape’. That got updated. Then, the head bump was too much for many people: really a pretty significant boost on some sounds. So, this Redux is updating that plugin in place (the new version will outright replace the previous one, discard or overwrite the previous wherever you’ve got it) to add what people needed so badly, in spite of my need to keep it almost control-less: a head bump control.

Now, if you crank to 1.0 you get exactly what the previous version was. (If you need to match earlier mixes you can do it this way: just set Bump to 1.0 and you have exactly the previous plugin.) If you turn it to 0, you get the head bump completely removed. It’s like an upgraded version of FromTape in this setting, where you have tone softening/shaping but absolutely no bass bump. And if you leave it at its default of 0.5, I think THAT ought to work for people as the ‘don’t touch anything’, no-fiddling way to mix to Airwindows Tape.

This is meant to be the best. I think people were right about the bass being too much… it was pretty much exactly twice as much as it should’ve been. So, course corrected: now it’s the ultimate. (Tape is of course like the latest ToTape, but it leaves off ‘flutter’ and such things that real tape also tries to avoid, it’s totally current in terms of dithering to the floating point buss etc. and it uses Spiral internally rather than Density, for an even more transparent and analog-like sound than any previous Airwindows tape emulation)

Hope ya like it.

Oh, one more thing: as mentioned in the last bit of the video, I’m working on things like LUTs and visual arts, in Airwindows style. So I’ve developed a LUT that fixes my GH5 camera so it renders super-intense watercolor pigments without blowing them out with too much saturation. I think the result looks very filmlike and natural, and a LUT pack will be coming out as soon as I have some crazier ones done for music video purposes… but part of the idea was to make a simple image that had colors on it (slightly blurred) that I could sample in a paint program like Clip Studio Paint. I have done this, so in advance of the fancy hi-tech LUT stuff, here’s the picture: Watercolor Pigments. It’s not meant to be perfectly sharp, it’s meant to have the COLORS as good as I could get ’em, including a number of color mixes done in real pigments (should also work pretty well mixing ’em in multiply mode to emulate watercolor layering).

All this is supported by Patreon, which is going very well. So maybe you aren’t interested in non-plugin things, but so long as I can keep the plugins coming, it pleases me to also give out other things. And if you do find the other things useful, so much the better. One thing about it, if I was working as a normal plugin business I wouldn’t have the freedom to do all this other stuff, and so it seems natural to share all of it, as much as I can. In future you’ll see other products of everything from LUTs for video-making, to synth hardware-hacking DIY projects, to workflows for doing animation lip-sync. It’s all me doing all of it, so it takes a very long time to get stuff done ‘cos I fit it in around all the plugins, but quarantine has given me just a bit more time to dive deep into all this stuff I do, and I am seizing the opportunity :)


TL;DW: Distortion is a slightly dark analog-style distortion with several presets, like Focus.

I think this one ought to go over well. People often want ‘analog-style distortion’. Here’s a collection of Airwindows distortion algorithms in a handy plugin with a new twist: it’s optimized for high sample rate in an innovative way.

What does that mean? Distortion is a slightly ‘dark’ distortion plugin. Not only are the algorithms pretty smooth (with some exceptions: check the end of the video for one!), it uses sample averaging to stop extreme highs from getting through. At 44.1k, there’s an averaging stage before the distortion, darkening the output but also interfering with aliasing. Averaging also has some tonal benefits to midrange and bass, so this gives the plugin more of a ‘voice’. That’s at 44.1k, CD quality.

But, if you use higher rates like 96k or 192k, Distortion begins to use more ‘poles’ of simple averaging. It’ll bring in averaging after the distortion, softening the tone. It’ll use more and more stages of this treble-softening, still always on just the most recent two samples, even though that becomes more and more finely grained as the sample rate goes up. Because of how averaging works, this never brings in weird notches or cancellations (like broader averages) but it does produce a sort of bleed-off of highs. Run at 44.1k this would give you an increasingly wide roll-off.

At the high sample rates this was designed for, what you get instead is exactly the same ‘dark distortion’ tonality, but increasingly better aliasing rejection as the sample rate goes up. I think 96k is a sweet spot for this: at 96k, still a basically normal sample rate, you get extremely warm and fluid distortion, even when pushed to extremes.

If you like extremes, look into the final two distortion modes. In Distortion, the modes Mojo and Dyno operate in their purest form, where the distortion shape can curl around again to produce strange effects if you slam them ruthlessly. In the video you see me discovering this on Mojo, running a simple DI bass at far too high a volume into Mojo, and then doubling it up to make crazy organic synth-like effects. Other modes like Density, Drive or Spiral will just go to ultra-clipping normally.

Distortion will give you truly warm overdrive effects, especially at high sample rates, without a bunch of fake analog modeling. I don’t recommend using it on everything (because maybe some sounds are good WITH extended high-end, especially if you’re working at 96k and all) but as always, I’m not the boss of you.

My work is supported by Patreon, and that’s why I’m still here putting out new plugins. Since they’re open source that means others can build upon them (such as a recent project where someone is doing the VCV rack versions for me: thanks!) and I’ll keep making them as long as my power’s on. See ya on the live streams :)

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If you’re pledging the equivalent of three or more plugins per year, I’ll happily link you on the sidebar, including a link to your music or project! Message me to ask.