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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.


TL;DW: DigitalBlack is a quick, staccato gate.

So here’s a gate. And here is why you should care :D

DigitalBlack is real simple on the surface: a threshold, and a dry/wet control. But what it does is more complicated. This isn’t a ‘gently fade to silence’ gate like SoftGate, or a ‘special effect’ like Gatelope. DigitalBlack was designed for one purpose: tightening up staccato direct-recorded tracks. I’m demonstrating it with a worst-case scenario because that’s all I had: I don’t get to do music, mostly, except for my live jams. But I had a drum room track where you can get some idea: play with it yourself if you’re curious, it’s free.

DigitalBlack does three things that are interesting, two of which are pretty unique. Firstly, it uses hysteresis to prevent ‘sputtering’. That’s pretty normal. Second, it fades not with a simple volume, instead it fades into negative Density (bulk of the sound attenuated, only the transients stick out) which has the effect of sounding like it’s fading backwards away from you, very quick. This gives it a physical motion not common to gates. And third, it tracks zero crossings in a special way so that the ‘silence’ time it has to traverse, before hitting the negative Density area and then true silence, is related to the bassiness of the content.

What this means is, if you’re hitting it with bassy content it’ll handle that gracefully. If you’ve got loads of midrange, it’ll gate that tighter. And if you’re making bright trebly sounds without a lot of bass, it’ll gate those FAST. And you can hear this on my lame demo, because in situations where only the initial spike of the drum hit got through on one side? (this is not linked: it’s designed so you could throw it on a submix with different stuff happening on L and R so it’s dual-mono) Even in my demo you can hear that some of those attacks are chopped off insanely fast. You’ll probably recognize pretty quickly if this is the gate for you. Try it on something like a DI guitar going into heavy ampsims, and see if you can’t get good results out of it. Put it on something like a kick or on individual drum mics (that you’re not already using Gatelope on), or on anything that needs to be insanely tight and quick to gate itself. It might be just what you needed. (for linked gentler slower gating to silence, try SoftGate: for a gate that also acts like envelope filters, use Gatelope)

This work is supported by Patreon. It took a bit of a down-swing when I was sick, but that’s natural: that’s the internet economy for ya. But I’m back in action, still appreciating the Patreon support, gonna be doing another Evergreens probably within a month for Patreons. (if you don’t see me that week, it might be the week for that: Patreon supporters will get a notice) I’m doing Q&A on Monday as usual, and music jam of some sort on Tuesday, and folks can log on and play Minecraft with me and chat on my Wednesday day-off stream.


TL;DW: Apicolypse is a re-release of my old API-style color adder, exactly as it was.

Feeling somewhat better, though I still have some recovering to do: at any rate, I’m back in the swing of things with plugins! This is Apicolypse, kin to Neverland: there will be others, but I’ve got a couple of things such as DigitalBlack and another Evergreens to do, so we’re not going all-Character all the time until they’re done. I will, however, persist with ’em :)

Apicolypse works the same way Neverland did. It’s a drop-in replacement for old mixes, and was a precursor to BussColors. It’s got a simpler method of generating its dynamic impulses, making them a sort of continuous spectrum between the low-level and high-level sounds. Like Neverland, it’s 44.1K though it will still function at any rate you like (sort of pitched up): like Neverland, it’s got a hardness control that at 0 is the ‘Density’ algorithm, at 1.0 is straight digital clipping at the extreme, and at any setting between is a sort of hybrid that turned out to not be the greatest: a switch from perfectly clean, to soft-clip at any desired transition point. Technically if you had it so it only kicked in on hot peaks, it’d be hard to find fault with it: I don’t recommend setting it (on this or any Character plug or ‘Crystal’) to a position where soft-clip kicks in at very low level. Either do Hardness at zero, or high enough that most of the audio stays ‘un-distorted’: you can do what you like, though, I’m not the boss of you :)

This work is supported by Patreon. It took a bit of a down-swing when I was sick, but that’s natural: that’s the internet economy for ya. But I’m back in action, still appreciating the Patreon support, gonna be doing another Evergreens probably within a month for Patreons (if you don’t see me that week, it might be the week for that: Patreon supporters will get a notice) and oh… one more thing.

Me and my brother Dan sat down for the first time today and began working on the secrets of VSTGUI: the old school stuff, that would be compatible with my intensely backward-compatible builds. He says it looks like sort of late-80s style C++, which is why it was so incomprehensible to me, and he doesn’t like that style (it’s doing multiple inheritance) but he CAN understand it. There’s not going to be immediate results from this so don’t get too hyped yet… but we took the first step, and I have a lot of clarity on exactly how I mean to do stuff. In VSTGUI, I mean. (We also did some game coding, but that’s another project entirely)

Talk to ya later: I’m doing Q&A on Monday as usual, and music jam of some sort on Tuesday, and folks can log on and play Minecraft with me and chat on my Wednesday day-off stream.


TL;DW: My old Neve emulation from 2007

I’m super sick today with a high fever, so I gotta keep this real short so I can go rest. (may or may not be showing up in livestreams Monday and Tuesday: thing about Tuesday is, technically I can just set my modular synth playing and let it run, since it’s got so much self-composing stuff in it now)

Neverland is my old Neve emulation from 2007. It’s out of the Character collection, and I’m re-releasing these in 64 bit and VST because there are people asking me to do that. If I make it exactly like how it was, you can open old mixes and retain the settings you had, so the Character plugins are kept exactly the same (though they do get denormalization fixes, and the dithering to 32 bit floating point where applicible).

Hope you like it. I’m going to go and rest :)


TL;DW: Tape is simplified, all-purpose tape mojo: my personal jam.

Once more, with feeling!

This one’s for me. It’s very similar to last week’s ToTape, but with the following differences:

-simpler name
-overdrive uses Spiral, not the Mojo algorithm
-simpler controls (not exactly ‘input gain’ but close)
-changes to the Head Bump algorithm
-no flutter

This is what I WANTED to do with ToTape6, and didn’t. In some ways, that’s good: if I’d axed flutter I would not have spent all day struggling with it and coming up with a better algorithm that more closely resembles real physical tape, something that could come in handy for future echo plugins etc. If I’d done the things I’ve done with Tape, to ToTape6, then ToTape6 wouldn’t be as adjustable as it is. There’s room for both, and I gave people the complicated many-knobs version because I know you too well ;) and I know what people like, and I’m there for you.

But I also have dreams of my own. So, the plugin (first ever from Airwindows) that carries just the generic name ‘Tape’ is Airwindows tape emulation MY way.

I’ve heard a lot of tape in my time, being over 50 years old. I’ve dubbed and re-dubbed tapes a lot. So I dialed in (and re-programmed) Tape by loading up eight instances of it, in a row, and making it behave itself as well as could be expected while running audio through eight instances of Tape. It’s not meant to be clean if you do that: it’s meant to be eightfold trash, but the right kind of trash I’m familiar with when you’ve got that much generation loss and head bump buildup. I knew that if I could get that right, if I could get it to behave okay under that kind of duress, I could rely on it as a go-to output stage (going just before Monitoring) that would condition the sound in the right kind of way.

And so it does.

Tape will be heard from again, but much as ToTape5 bore the standard for Airwindows tape emulation for years, Tape is my personal choice for ‘mix into’ DAW output stage and it’ll stand for a while, I think. If you need more phat or more flutter or more controls etc etc, use ToTape6, which is just as good in many ways. This is just my ‘director’s cut’ version, designed to my tastes, for if you trust my ears and my choices. Since it’s Airwindows, ToTape6 (and 5) still works and you can have both. This one is for those of you who pursue the simple creed: I have a (virtual) tape machine. I record to my tape machine. I am happy. :)
(this original version is made available just in case. It’s the one that has no Bump control, and the head bump on it is equal to 1.0 on the final Tape plugin, which defaults to 0.5 volume)(This was originally released with a bug where attenuated input gain produced a change in tone: if you need that version it’s now called You should be using the current one, you can’t run both at once and this is only in case you needed the original release for some reason)

I have a Patreon. People support this work, so I’m happy too. If you already threw an extra $50 a year at the Patreon over ToTape6, don’t feel you have to add more: my treat. On the other hand, if I made Airwindows Tape even more like tape for you (as in, how often do you sit around tweaking the record bias, really?) and the previous one didn’t quite clear the bar, maybe give it a thought?

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If you’re pledging the equivalent of three or more plugins per year, I’ll happily link you on the sidebar, including a link to your music or project! Message me to ask.