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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.


TL;DW: BiquadOneHalf is an interleaved biquad filter like Biquad.

Hi folks! Disregard this one. Unless you like basic tech demos and REALLY subtle subtleties. And the video demo didn’t come out, and it’s too late to do it over… time to rest up so future, better, more exciting plugins can get posted properly and well.

BiquadOneHalf is tech that’s going into my future plugins. You have to set the frequency twice as high as you would using Biquad, and it can only go up to 1/4 Nyquist, but the way it interacts with the sampling frequency is special and works very well for some types of filtering. You’ll be getting more developed plugins of that nature soon, and all through January, but for now I got this: working version of the new Biquad filter variation, that you can use on stuff.

It’s the first version, not the ‘sweepable’ version, because this is going to find its way into fixed-frequency EQs, ‘head bump’ etc… compare it to Biquad remembering to use twice the frequency you otherwise would. It’s happiest on bass or midrange: much like regular Biquad, trying to force it to get real close to its high frequency limit can get messy.

Patreon now gets you an extra minute of livestream every time the amount goes up enough (that’s pretty fine granularity). See ya Monday, where we’ll figure out what day the ‘listen to people’s music onstream’ will be. Have fun with BiquadOneHalf. Don’t bump this thread, I’m sure holiday sales from other folks are much more important and anyway the plugin video is derped and the loudness is totally not loud enough (I changed it on a stream and then didn’t spot that I needed to put it back). weee! Merry merry. Talk to ya later.


TL;DW: Coils models the types of distortion you’ll find in transformers.

OK, I think this worked. Apologies for being fried and stressed: I was operating under time pressure (four HOURS driving today, doing stuff) and was halfway through making a video when I worked out there was a serious bug in the plugin. After a frantic bugfix, I did another video that was even more frazzled, only to discover I wasn’t even wearing my lavalier mic. So, by the time I made the video you see, I pretty much had no effs left to give, and after a busy day, I’ve completed the updating and here’s the plugin. Love ya, and usually it’s easier than this :)

Coils is like the inverse of Focus. Instead of boosting/distorting UP the mids, it saturates DOWN the extreme highs and lows leaving the mids untouched. Because it’s a fixed mid shape mimicking the Neve transformer picture I was shown, the biquad doesn’t have to run inside Console as it’s not a high-Q filter at all (you’ll notice way more of an effect on steep filters) so it trades off that effect for less processing. The saturation is the Density algorithm, but without clipping, so if you trash it you get wrap-around on the transfer function curve, which works out to be kinda transformery.

Apologies. I am too tired to translate. Listen to the plugin. If anything is broken, tell me right away, tomorrow ;)

The top control increasingly distorts (still kinda subtle), the middle one DC biases the core (second harmonics!) which does more when you’re less saturated, and then there’s a dry/wet. Enjoy :)

Oh yeah, Patreon. Almost forgot.


TL;DW: Focus brings out clarity by distorting. Aggressive, subtle, flexible.

Here’s a real ‘modern day Airwindows’ plugin for you!

Focus might not be the only plugin like this I make. I’d planned to make a ‘multi-distortion kit’ based on how Density and Drive do things, and I can still do that. BUT, check this out.

What if you took UnBox, with its aliasing-resistant distortion, and revised it around a band pass? Not so much an EQ thing, more a ‘Fletcher Munson Loudness Curve’ thing, where you could zero in on just that most sensitive area, and add distortion to just that? And use the UnBox tech so you’d still have undistorted clear super-lows and highs, as much as you wanted? And set an output level so that if you DID end up driving the mids real hard, you could dial it back so that you got your focussing effect but without apparent mids boost? Or mids boost if you like, whichever. And a dry/wet on the end for added subtlety and flexibility. And then, how about if you could pick between Density, Drive, Spiral, Mojo and Dyno distortion algorithms?

Here’s Focus. If you keep the Focus control real low, it’ll act like a broad-based overdrive, five different ways. Kill the Output level control, and you’ll hear what’s left over from the UnBox tech. Start to bring up Focus to about halfway, and you will rapidly start narrowing the distortion band and letting through lots more lows and highs, while also (if you turn Output back up) tightening and purifying what you distort in the mids. Focus even more, and you’ll get to where it’s an ultra-focussed mid laser that you can distort, that’ll cut through anything. if you want to start tuning it, dial Focus back: this is not about that, it’s exactly targetting the Fletcher-Munson loudness curves, think of it in terms of focussing the midrange and making it more intense. At low Focus settings, tuning it would be almost meaningless.

This is ‘dial an ultimate distortion, ITB’. Even more than the ‘swiss army knife’ one I’ll likely still make later. This becomes the recommended one. It replaces Density, Drive, all versions of Spiral, etc… because its principle of operation gives you essential Airwindows distortions, using UnBox tech to resist aliasing and allow for clean bass, and because the way it’s set up you can immediately go to whatever you’re trying to achieve. Big roaring fuzzy? Density with very low Focus, or possibly Mojo. Gritty? Drive. Cleaner overdrive? Spiral. Need to clean things up but still have that pungent, fierce energy from an amazing distortion? Start increasing Focus, carefully. Trying to do an insanely focussed searing-hot distortion with high Focus but things are too saturated? Reach for Dyno and its distinctive overtones. Pretty much anything you want, in one plugin, but with very approachable controls plus you can do things like kill Output Level to quickly check how much clean audio is getting through in the highs and lows.

Don’t think of it like an EQ, think of it like an extension of your ears. Whether it’s on tracks, submixes, or the 2-buss, Focus can locate anything accurately in your listeners’ attention, because we all have the same sensitivities and loudness curves to our hearing (most likely). Use with caution (unless you don’t want to!) and enjoy a real power tool for mix clarity, with Focus.

This was a good work day. If you’d like to see me have lots more you can jump on my Patreon. From now on (and especially going into 2020), you get an hour of livestreaming for each $1000 of the total Patreon… which means effective immediately I’m going to stream an hour and 35 minutes. Every week I’ll check, so the Q&A will get longer, the music stream too, and I’m transitioning from the patrons-only Evergreens podcast to an Evergreens podcast ABOUT patrons’ music where I’ll do the same thing, but I’ll be analyzing and talking about YOUR music… for an hour and 35 minutes. Or more, if the Patreon grows. ‘Cos I got my camera power supply, so now I can do this without running out of batteries :)


TL;DW: PowerSag2 is my improved circuit-starve plugin, now with inverse effect!

This is PowerSag (my circuit-power-supply-starve plugin), but the internals are coded differently for more efficiency on modern CPUs, it gets twice as much maximum effect range (which will help if you’re using it at high sample rates) and it now has an inverse/wet control. That means that you can hear what’s being taken AWAY (which is typically a grungey, gatey effect) and fade into that if it helps you get more meat into some of your sounds.

Expect more innovations like this as I revisit compressy-type effects: it’s a heck of a good feature to add to any dynamics processor. I can’t do ’em all at once (and I’m a bit tapped out keeping up with everything including the Evergreens podcast for patrons) but it’ll keep me busy :)

I’m still here working full-time because of Patreon, otherwise I would have had to stop. Thank you, everyone who’s kicked in to support Airwindows… and everyone who simply gets the word out… and everyone who’s really struggling and can’t afford tools or plugins and who has let ME help YOU. Because that’s really important to me, otherwise I would’ve gone to work at a bank or something :D

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If you’re pledging the equivalent of three or more plugins per year, I’ll happily link you on the sidebar, including a link to your music or project! Message me to ask.