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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.


TL;DW: ToMono (LeftoMono and RightoMono) copy one channel to both, losslessly.

Time for another tiny utility plugin or two!

LeftoMono or RightoMono exist for only one purpose: if your input is either left or right, it’s coming in on a stereo channel, and you have no use for the other side.

No, worse: you’re coming off some kind of camera or camcorder and the other side is not only ‘nothing’, it shows some noise or interference that’s actively bad. In those situations you are often given the option, ‘Convert to mono?’ but doing that will combine the real signal with the garbage, interference, not-really-clean-silence signal.

And so, ToMono. They do exactly what the name suggests. There’s nothing to them, no controls or UI of any kind, you don’t need to open any interface or do anything. Instantiate the one you need and boom: you are now copying the input data words from the side you want, to the side you don’t. Pure cloned mono of the highest possible quality in a single plugin. And since it’s so simple it’ll work in places like OBS where maybe sometimes they don’t handle generic VSTs properly or generate controls: hey, none needed!

This is a super boring plugin… except when you need it most. Hope you like it. (I no longer need it as I’m running my lav into the real mixing board… but I used LeftoMono last week, before putting it out. It can’t save the camera from other issues like robot-voice over HDMI, but it rescued me from the ‘interference and bad silence’ extra stereo channel. :)

Airwindows is supported by Patreon. That’s how I’m still here, I get to throw Patreon money at gear (including gear I hope to emulate in future or study technically) and it’s very much appreciated. Thank you :)


TL;DW: DeBess is an improved DeEss, with perfect rejection of non-ess audio.

This should be fun! Sometimes it’s worth keeping a weird codger like me around ;) meet DeBess.

Named because, for some of you at least, it is at last The Best De Ess. Period. Ever.

…assuming certain conditions.

DeBess is an extension of my former DeEss, which itself was the high point of several earlier attempts at a special de-esser with an unusual algorithm for finding specifically ess content and rejecting anything else in that frequency range, no matter how many overtones it had. DeEss used a set of sample comparisons to try and find esses, and was very successful at this… except some folks had trouble getting it to engage, and others needed it to be more perfect at rejecting even the faintest softening of other content.

DeBess does this by extending the sample comparison window a LOT. In fact, it’s now a slider! You can set it to be even blurrier than DeEss if you like… or barely crack it open to replicate the original DeEss… or crank it up for high isolation de-essing. If you are recording on prosumer equipment or using moving-coil microphones, you might not get enough change between samples to engage DeBess. Same if you’re using high sample rates and your mics do NOT extend right up as far as the sampling lets you: DeBess is not for taking stage mics and making them lisp. It is very distinctly for taking the most high-end of vocal tracks and de-essing only the ess sounds out of them, with zero cost to anything else. Whatever you’re using, if your esses are blowing out the highest treble (which is exactly what you need a de-esser for) then it ought to work for you.

If you’re using high sample rate and struggling to get DeBess action and you’re going to be treble boosting for that ultra-bright voice sound, try brightening BEFORE DeBess and you’ll probably be able to get what you need. It wants very bright esses to work with, so it can duck and darken them. Use the filter control to shape a better EQ on your esses, rather than just trying to duck ’em.

Airwindows is supported by Patreon, so if you can afford to buy this for $50 like it was a commercial plugin, and you’d want to, then go throw $50 a year at the Patreon instead. If I’ve written another good plugin or done something else useful a year from now, you can keep it going :)

Monitoring (Redux)

TL;DW: Monitoring is your one-stop shop for final 2-buss work!

Oh, hey, new camera! And I bent my glasses so they don’t blind you! (They still work for reading stuff though!)

But also… new MONITORING. So this outright replaces the previous one, ‘cos they’re basically the same, but with the following changes:

-Aurat now has mono-summed versions that come out of either the left or right speaker, so you can get a true mono grot-box single speaker mix check even if you don’t have one
-Phone’s now mono (no special single-speaker tricks, it’s more an afterthought but sure enough, you don’t normally get stereo cellphones)
-TWO new Cans algorithms, Cans C and Cans D.

Cans C is just ‘stronger, but basically still normal’, as requested. Cans D is something else again. It’s for really messing up the stereo, like when someone wanted to listen to old Beatles tracks and ‘fix’ the weird dual-mono mix (which I don’t normally approve of). But, since it uses SUCH a strong allpass stereo crossfeed, what you get has also got some characteristics of Peaks, without the exaggerations. So, if you can’t work with Peaks or find it disorienting, there’s a new ‘headphones energy redistributor’ in town and this one attacks exaggerated stereo too. Try it out and see what you think!

Patreon pays for a lot: it helps me upgrade my gear so people can take my operation more seriously. But it also leads to other stuff: not only all the livestreams, but also side-projects that can bring you new stuff in their own right. I’ve been building eurorack-module kits. I made four Radio Musics (also known as Chord Organs) and they all work great. Not only can I put out dedicated drum samples that are dithered correctly for the Radio Music (current ones are OK at rhythmic sample triggering, especially if you’re doing a backbeat that might lay behind the click anyway), but I’ll tell you now that I am going to be trying to write alternate firmware for the Chord Organ/Radio Music platform. Because they’re soooo nifty, and very affordable if you can solder up a kit. And I’m still aiming to do things with the Axoloti… so those of you who build stuff, that is your cue to take interest in the Radio Music and Axoloti if you’re not already interested.

Much like Émilie of Mutable Instruments, what I’m doing is compatible with other people running with it. So, look on it this way: if you support Airwindows so that I make some kind of amazing firmware with stuff that you could then turn around and design a faceplate for and build yourself and sell… hey, win/win as far as I’m concerned. I’ve done a lot towards trying to manufacture hardware but it’s becoming clear that I’d rather be a lighthouse: nothing would make me happier than to see my ideas out there getting used. (And since it’s all open source it keeps ya honest if you do mean to go into business on the back of my stuff: if you can, so can someone else, so be good! :) )

Talk to you later (or indeed sooner, as in ‘Monday at 11:00 AM EST’ for my Q&A stream!)


TL;DW: MoNoam gives you variations on mono, mid, and side in different channels.

Sometimes you just want to lend a hand :)

Stuff’s a little chaotic in Airwindows-land right now. I’m trying to revamp things about my studio, since thanks to the Patreon I can upgrade some stuff like my grotty webcam (always reinvest in your business, kids! And have a real accountant so you can get the benefits of doing that!), therefore you can expect some interesting side-videos: be sure to be subscribed to the YouTube channel and notification bell yada yada, because there will be some more content that only turns up there. Stuff like how to get the Tommy Mars Electrocomp ‘synth horn’ sound without an Electrocomp, or (if all goes well) the correct way to hook up multiple Arturia Keysteps without them flaking out the whole time.

So, today’s one of those days where I just put out a plugin that maybe just helps one person. Because I can, and because sometimes it’s nice to just do that and not worry about whether the thing will be popular. So, meet MoNoam. It’s named sort of after the person who wanted something like it, and sort of after the concept ‘Mono’. Because all it does, is switch around some mid/side type things for your convenience.

You see, the new Monitoring is getting ‘Aurat’ settings that give you that but as mono coming from literally one speaker (you pick). Seemed like a good way to replicate what is literally a mono mix check speaker. But I got requests for that on straight mono audio… and on side, for that matter… and a lot of stuff I can’t put in Monitoring without it getting way complicated. The thing is, if I do a ‘massmarket’ generally useful plugin like Monitoring, part of that is me choosing to leave stuff out, and what’s left in takes on greater importance as stuff I think you should be doing. But there are always exceptions…

So, MoNoam (almost symmetrical, like a palindrome) gives you mono/mid and side (directly) in such a way that you could sum them to get the stereo back again. But it also gives you mono in either one or the other channel, to come out of only one speaker. And it gives you ‘mono-ized’ side: this will be fuller-sounding than the true side, because the true side is out of phase between channels. And you can put the mono-ized side in one or the other channel if you want. If you’re recombining things it’ll get weird, but if you just want to hear it then this is your chance. And maybe you might have tricky situations having to do with mid/side, or you’re doing odd things in Blue Cat Patchwork, or just making complicated signal routings, and need one of these options. They’re odd enough to require a lot of fiddling if you were doing them just in the DAW. Now they’re one simple plugin :)

Have fun. I don’t think this is going to be a popular plugin, but it’s nice and clean and convenient and simple. What’s not to like?

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If you’re pledging the equivalent of three or more plugins per year, I’ll happily link you on the sidebar, including a link to your music or project! Message me to ask.