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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.


TL;DW: PeaksOnly is a transformative mix check tool.

So I’m posting this super late, it’s a real all-nighter. Why?

Because this plugin exploded into my awareness pretty much just today and kicked everything else aside, demanding to be made right away and posted immediately. Not only that, I had someone email asking nicely if I could make a plugin that did for them what a busted subwoofer used to do for them: give some kind of cue if there’s excessive lows happening that’ll cause problems later.

All I could do was say ‘stay tuned’ and keep on working into the night to bring this one to light. (well, dark. It’s nearly 2 AM)

PeaksOnly is a mix check, like SubsOnly and SlewOnly before it, or Silhouette and other even stranger plugins. You pretty much need to not master through this one :D it totally wrecks the sound. BUT, it telegraphs information you might never have had, makes it more obvious than it’s ever been before.

Here’s how it works. PeaksOnly runs a little pile of allpass filters, but rather than just make them nice-sounding, it expands and expands and expands them, each time phase-rotating things a little more. It turns transient attacks of any kind into a little colorful wash, a flag of energy that stays at roughly the same level, but gets smeared out across time in a way you’d never normally hear.

Why does this matter? Because you wouldn’t hear it. Especially if you’re trying to work on headphones, brief sharp transients can become almost totally invisible, especially if they’re being peak-limited or get blended in with other sounds. That stuff can make your mix come alive, but how do you balance it? And if you’re on headphones, forget it: some peaks are just too brief, and unless you have a strangely powerful sense of energy levels that are normally invisible, there will be no managing the stuff that you simply can’t hear, the spiky intense sparks of audio like you get from passionate performances or tricks like using compression to spike up attack transients.

But with PeaksOnly, everything stays at exactly the same frequency balance (a trick of allpasses, especially mine which are prime-number spaced) but the bursts of energy, no matter how brief, get transformed into recognizable signals. If you’re short on transient impact, you’ll notice it. If you’re over-squashing attacks, you’ll end up with audio porridge. But if you’ve got a powerful, kicking, lively mix… every detail of it will be laid bare, turned into a sort of pantomime that exposes every transient at every frequency. Whether it’s how loud to make that snare or hi-hat, or how much sub-kick you can get away with, it’s all exposed. PeaksOnly is particularly fond of taking excess subsonic peaks and distorting ’em: you’ll never pack too much into the subs again.

It also tries to keep you at a sane loudness level (suitable for sending to mastering, if you really think you need to loudenate). Strangely, if you feed ‘mastered’ loud stuff into PeaksOnly and tolerate the distortion, it still reveals everything: there’s a difference between good ‘too loud’ and bad ‘too loud’, and PeaksOnly exposes that too. Anything out of balance, even in loudness land, will stick out.

I’ll be finding ways to further use this, but as always, you don’t have to wait. PeaksOnly (note the lack of controls! Remove or bypass it when you’re done checking) is there for you now. And now I’m gonna post it and go collapse into bed, ‘cos this has been a good day at the office :)

Patreon is how I do this. I don’t know anyone else who could’ve invented this one: it’s weird, sounds ugly, and yet it might be the best plugin you ever found. If you think so, please join my Patreon. If you do, you get to listen to my private little Evergreens podcast, a Fair Use exploration of how classic records got their sound (and how you can too). And FYI: I’ve checked some of the classic stuff on PeaksOnly. Unsurprisingly, the Evergreens just sound awesome on this mix check tool (that stuff wasn’t done using modern mix techniques: they had to balance the peak energies back in those days, and it shows). You can join me for that Podcast, if you’re a patron.


TL;DW: SoftGate is a gate that can mute hiss and smooth sample tails.

Hi! Today’s Airwindows tool is for sample makers (though you could use in in a mix if you really wanted to, or abuse it for special effects). It’s called SoftGate.

The purpose of SoftGate is this: you can set it so it’ll take the noise floor of a recording that you want to turn to samples (or multisamples), and fade it into darkness. You can set it to do this quickly, or quite slowly. This will clean up the noise floor of your multisample instruments and let you sustain things for longer, whatever the source recording quality is: if it’s real noisy and all your samples fade into a bunch of ugly noise, tell SoftGate to fade more slowly (lower on the slider) and allow that to kick in as the sound fades away into what’s supposed to be silence.

Or, if it’s a good effect but you don’t need to produce that much gating, use the bottom fader to bring in the raw signal again and balance that with the processed one, to get the right kind of fade.

The Audio Unit comes in SoftGate and SoftGateMono, because it’s inherently a linked stereo plugin (so stereo image doesn’t wander as it fades). You can use those on mono tracks in VST, but in AU you’re not supposed to run a stereo plugin on a mono source… so SoftGateMono exists to cover non-stereo tracks. If you use it on a stereo track it’ll gate Left and Right separately, so be warned. Also, SoftGateMono is technically ‘N to N’, like many of my AUs that aren’t stereo or stereo linked, so like many of my AUs you can also use it on quad, 5.1 or 7.1 tracks (did you know you could do that? Have fun, surround mixers).

This is all supported by Patreon, including the lightning bugfixes I do when something is wrong (since this is my job, I can do that when it’s needed). Also, if you’re a patron, you get to hear a new podcast I’m doing. It has to be secret because it’s the Evergreens podcast and I’m playing (excerpts of) classic hit record vinyl, and making a passionate case for how you should learn to record and mix the way they did back then. If there are plugins that correspond to stuff I talk about on the records, I’ll tell you. But more often than you’d think, the magic is to NOT process stuff and just let it be alive in the mix with minimum doctoring. If you’re a patron, you’ll get announcements each week when a podcast is out. (if you do share it, just torrent or rehost it so my hosting doesn’t get beat up again… and for the love of God don’t try to put it on YouTube, that will only end in tears. Trust me on this :D )


Hi! Welcome to the secret Airwindows podcast page. Please only show this to people who are ready to join the EVERGREEN MOVEMENT and change their mixing and musicmaking forever. Don’t post this on social or ‘broadcast’ media, and if you need to spread the podcasts around, torrent ’em or rehost them so my own hosting doesn’t get knocked off the internet again. This is for patrons, though of course I’m not going to play net cop about it. If this changes your life and you’re not already a patron, you should join my Patreon and support this work.

This is not a nice or polite podcast: if you’re not liking the message in it, you should not listen. It is for educational purposes and uses clips of audio from classic VINYL records, as much as possible sourced from the earliest release in an effort to get the rawest possible sound. Remasterings are discouraged (there are some Pixies records I only have as remasters, but in general these are original vinyl) and I’ll try to identify the source record as closely as possible on the podcast.

The purpose of this podcast is to tell you how to mix music in the style that created entire industries and genres, rather than the styles that killed them. There’s a heavy emphasis on Sixties and Seventies recordings, not because of any special merit to the musicians or the times, but because it was the time when primitive 1930s-style recording evolved and transformed between the old ‘gramophone’ tonalities and the over-processed, inhuman world of today. There were points along that curve where recording developed uncanny ability to convey the power of music, and you can still do that today… but nobody will tell you how, because half the time people didn’t know what they had, and the other half of the time they were actively working to get rid of the very qualities that made the music so powerful.

This will be a colossally arrogant podcast. My only excuse here is that I didn’t do these records. I’ve learned as much as I can about them, and I’m here to explain what makes them so amazing and why they’ve survived my whole lifetime while newer, more heavily marketed records fade and die. I’m going to ignore much about lyrics and melodies and focus on the SOUND of the records, and you’ll probably find many of the sounds strange (especially if you’re listening on laptops… or earbuds… really, a horrifying amount of modern music playback technology won’t be your friend here). I’m going to insist that if you listen to this stuff RIGHT, it’s amazing, and you’ll come to believe it if you stay with me. You will never be able to rip even so much as a single complete song off any of this, for I’ll needle-drop and play only excerpts (this is Fair Use, not a DJing podcast) but for all that you’ll get to hear a great deal of music off these records, in the highest vinyl-sourced intensity I can summon off those old grooves. None of it will be ‘remastered’, compressed, EQed or anything like that. You’ll hear WHAT IT WAS back when the music set the world on fire.

Listen, and understand. These are no longer regular, but now and then I’ll add one.

   AC/DC-Back In Black
   Beatles-White Album
   Phil Collins-Face Value
   Crosby, Stills and Nash
   Devo-Duty Now For The Future
   Fleetwood Mac-Rumours
   King Crimson-In The Court Of The Crimson King
   Rolling Stones-Let It Bleed
   Steve Miller Band-Fly Like An Eagle
   Tangerine Dream-Phaedra
   Frank Zappa-Apostrophe
   Led Zeppelin II
   ZZ Top-Tres Hombres

Here’s the list of what remains.

acdc let there be rock
   dirty deeds
   for those about to rock
aerosmith toys in the attic
allman bros fillmore east
   eat a peach
b52s first
   wild planet
basie one o’clock jump
   yesterday and today
   sgt. pepper
   yellow submarine
   abbey road
beck blow by blow
beefheart spotlight kid
belew lone rhino
black sabbath paranoid
boc first
   tyrrany and mutation
   agents of fortune
   fire of unknown origin
boston first
bowie man who sold the world
   hunky dory
   ziggy stardust
   aladdin sane
   diamond dogs
   young americans
   station to station
   scary monsters
bruford one of a kind
carlos switched on bach
chic risque
clapton 461 ocean boulevard
phil collins
costello my aim is true
   armed forces
   this year’s model
   get happy
cream disraeli gears
   wheels of fire
creedence first
   bayou country
   green river
   willy and the poorboys
   cosmo’s factory
miles davis in a silent way
   bitches brew (one disc w. title track)
dead kennedys fresh fruit
sandy denny the north star grassman and the ravens
devo are we not men
   freedom of choice
   new traditionalists
al dimeola elegant gypsy
dire straits first
   love over gold
doors morrison hotel
   la woman
dr john gris-gris
eagles desperado
   one of these nights
   hotel california
   the long run
english beat I just can’t stop it
elp first
   brain salad surgery
eno another green world
fripp and eno no pussyfooting
byrne and eno my life in the bush of ghosts
budd and eno ambient2
fagen the nightfly
fairport convention liege and lief
   full house
feast or famine brecon beacon
fleetwood mac selftitled
peter gabriel solo 1977 atco
   solo 1978 atlantic
   solo 1980 mercury
   solo 1982 geffen
marvin gaye what’s going on
genesis trespass
   nursery cryme
   selling england
   lamb lies down
   trick of the tail
   wind and wuthering
grateful dead first
   anthem x2
   aoxomoxoa x2
   live dead
   grateful dead
   workingman’s dead
   american beauty
   europe 72
   wake of the flood
   blues for allah
herbie hancock mwandishi
   head hunters
jimi hendrix first x2
   smash hits
   axis bold as love
   electric ladyland
   cry of love
   crash landing
robyn hitchcock black snake diamond role
   globe of frogs
   queen elvis
michael jackson off the wall
jethro tull this was
   stand up
   thick as a brick
   passion play
   minstrel in the gallery
   songs from the wood
   heavy horses
   broadsword and the beast
elton john honky chateau
   goodbye yellow brick road
journey infinity
judas priest unleashed in the east
   british steel
   point of entry
   defenders of the faith
king crimson
   in the wake of poseidon
   larks tongues in aspic
   starless and bible black
   three of a perfect pair
kinks something else
   village green preservation society
league of gentlemen
little feat sailing shoes
   dixie chicken
   feats don’t fail me now
mahavishnu inner mounting flame
   birds of fire
   between nothingness and eternity
bob marley catch a fire
   natty dread
   rastaman vibration
   exodus (tuff gong)
john mayall blues breakers w. eric clapton
curtis mayfield curtis in chicago
   something to believe in
joni mitchell clouds
   ladies of the canyon
   court and spark
mike oldfield tubular bells
   hergest ridge
robert palmer sneakin sally
   pressure drop
   some people can do what they like
parliament mothership connection
tom petty damn the torpedoes
pink floyd saucerful of secrets
   atom heart mother
   obscured by clouds
   dark side
   wish you were here
   the wall
   division bell
pj harvey rid of me
queen first
   sheer heart attack
pixies reissues come on pilgrim
   surfer rosa
   trompe le monde
the police outlandos d’amour
   reggata de blanc
   zenyatta mondatta
   ghost in the machine
lou reed rock n roll animal
return to forever no mystery
terry riley a rainbow in curved air
roches first
   keep on doing
rolling stones let it bleed
   some girls
   hot rocks
   get yer yayas out
   beggars banquet
   sticky fingers
   exile on main st
todd rundgren a wizard a true star
rush 2112
   farewell to kings
   permanent waves
santana first
paul simon first
   still crazy after all these years
sister sledge we are family
squeeze uk squeeze
   cool for cats
   east side story
chris squire fish out of water
steely dan can’t buy a thrill
   countdown to ecstacy
   pretzel logic
   katy lied
   the royal scam
talking heads fear of music
   remain in light
   speaking in tongues
tangerine dream zeit
   force majeure
james taylor sweet baby james
touch first and only
tower of power bump city
   back to oakland
traffic heaven is in your mind
   welcome to the canteen
   john barleycorn must die
   last exit
   low spark of high-heeled boys
tubeway army
u2 the joshua tree
vai flex-able
van der graaf generator pawn hearts
van halen first
   fair warning
van morrison astral weeks
   st dominic’s preview
stevie ray vaughan texas flood
   couldn’t stand the weather
tom waits swordfishtrombones
   rain dogs
rick wakeman six wives of henry viii
joe walsh the smoker you drink the player you get
   so what
war the world is a ghetto
weather report heavy weather
bob weir ace
steve winwood back in the high life
the who happy jack
   sell out
   meaty beaty big and bouncy
   live at leeds
   who’s next
   who are you
   face dances
stevie wonder greatest hits
   signed sealed and delivered
   talking book
   fulfillingness’ first finale
   songs in the key of life
xtc white music
   drums and wires
   black sea
   english settlement
   oranges & lemons
yes first
   time and a word
   the yes album
   close to the edge
   tales from topographic oceans
neil young everybody knows this is nowhere
zappa freak out
   absolutely free
   we’re only in it for the money
   uncle meat
   lumpy gravy
   weasels ripped my flesh
   hot rats
   burnt weeny sandwich
   chunga’s revenge
   200 motels
   Fillmore East
   just another band from la
   the grand wazoo
   roxy & elsewhere
   overnite sensation
   one size fits all
   zoot allures
   studio tan
   orchestral favorites
   sheik yerbouti
   sleep dirt
   joe’s garage
   joe’s garage acts ii & iii
   shut up & play your guitar
   you are what you is
   ship arriving too late to save a drowning witch
   boulez conducts zappa
   jazz from hell
led zeppelin i
   houses of the holy
   physical graffiti
zz top


TL;DW: Interstage is a subtle and sophisticated analogifier.

Interstage is one half of an experiment. I pitted my ability to use my weird techniques (interleaved IIR, slew limiting, etc) against my new biquad filtering techniques, in the battle of the bandpasses. The biquads could give me total DC rejection and total rejection near Nyquist. My more distinctly Airwindows tricks could give me new sorts of nonlinearity and tone. Which would win?

This isn’t called ‘Biquadstage’, so that might be a bit of a giveaway.

Interstage isn’t a loudenator. It doesn’t really clip (though it does go dark as you push the highs harder, in a way I’ve never done before). It doesn’t even preserve the output peaks of heavily limited material: it’ll reshape lows in such a way that the peaks might go up slightly as the deepest lows get rearranged, and it doesn’t really eliminate DC offset either. So what does it actually do?

*deep breath*

Two level total of three pole IIR highpass which subtracts a pre-averaged sample and slew limits (all right, clips) against not the direct signal but the initial stage IIR lowpassed reference point used as part of the highpass. Oh, also the average it uses isn’t the previous input sample, but the slew limited highpassed output.


No, I am NOT making that up. That’s literally what it does, you can see the code.

What does it sound like? It sounds like running through an optimal analog stage. The lows are reshaped in a characteristic way for a capacitor-coupled circuit that still allows extended lows: this doesn’t suppress much if any extreme bass. It just massages it a bit. The highs run into active component electronic limits, but unlike other approaches (Channel for a bit of grit, Acceleration for ultra-clear) this is restricting treble slews based on the general amount of energy in the circuit. So it goes darker in a peculiarly analog-like way I’ve not done before, sounding still clear and trebly for most audio, but confining the craziest most digital-sounding treble swings into a zone that sounds like hardware. And this is without thousands of math operations of heavy processing: unlike overprocessed analog modeling, this one nails the ‘energy coming out of analog circuitry’ without blurring or thinning the audio at all. If you don’t need what it’s doing you’ll hear no change at all. Only when ‘excessively digital bass and treble’ show up to interfere, does Interstage kick in.

I’m pretty sure Patreon is still up, so what you should do is what you should usually do: don’t take my word for it or rely on my peculiar demos. This time, you can’t even if you wanted to! But you can download the plugin and try it. Throw it on something, preferably something you’d like to make a little more analog-ized, and see if you can pick out the differences. Interstage does not distort or saturate, so it shouldn’t change your gain staging or the density of your tracks. It simply focuses stuff a little for you, in the way that real analog circuitry inevitably does, and it’s a new flavor on that theme. It’s designed to work optimally at any sample rate you give it, and guaranteed not to diminish any of your tones (unless those tones require strangely artificial sonics that can’t exist in nature: if so, put this on your OTHER tones and you’ll have a nice contrast).

I hope you enjoy Interstage!

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