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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.

Tape +


ToTape2Demo is the version of ToTape where I brought in antialiasing. The earlier versions of ToTape went through changes mostly relating to the head bump: trying to get it smoother, managing its tendency to become unnaturally enormous. If you like this earlier version of ToTape best, buy the current one and ask me for a copy […]


ADClip2Demo was an experiment, to see how ADClip would be if it had loads of parameters you could alter. Input Gain was a boost, as you’d expect. Edge Smooth is part of the basic ADClip code. It’s letting you scale back the edge softening on clipping: less means harsher edges. Highs Restore is from 3DClip, and […]


ADT2Demo is a universal binary AU plugin to do Automatic Double Tracking- aka fixed flanging/chorusing, as used by the Beatles. Two independent delay taps for normal or inverted ADT, code from Console2 gives you analog-like richness and tone. As you probably know, ADT is simply a single delay tap, very quick. What makes my ADT special […]


ToTapeDemo is the start of the ToTape lineage, a set of plugins that have kept on getting closer and closer to the sound of analog tape off a good reel to reel. It started out with four controls: Tape Slam, Treble Soften, Head Bump and Output Level. Quickly it became obvious that ‘tape slam’ was more […]

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handsewn bespoke digital audio

Kinds Of Things

The Last Year

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Dave Robertson and the Kiss List

Decibelia Nix


GuitarTraveller – courtesy Johnny Wishoff

Podigy Podcast Editing Service

Super Synthesis Eurorack Modules

Very Rich Bandcamp

If you’re pledging the equivalent of three or more plugins per year, I’ll happily link you on the sidebar, including a link to your music or project! Message me to ask.