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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.



TL;DW: New more intense Console, peaks at lower dB. I didn’t expect this! Let’s see where it takes us. A little while ago I got a note from veteran GSposter torridgristle, entitled “Simple Encode/Decode (Inverse Square)”. It was a very simple little note. “Something I’d been using in GLSL shaders for brightening the image […]


TL;DW: Deckwrecka fattens and dirties up beats. Back in the day, I was asked by composer Alan Gold to create a special plugin. How special? To give you some idea, you might recognize the name quicker as Agzilla… or the DECKWRECKA. And so, that became the name of the plugin, appearing on the Deckwrecka […]


tl;dw: curve is the simplest, purest form of airwindows recurve with no extra boosts. sometimes you just want the effect to be lowercase. the previous plugin slammed home with 6 db of gain in its compression so you could hear it working, and had a clipper on the end in case you wanted to […]


TL;DW: Recurve is a special buss compressor with no threshold point. Sometimes the most amazing things are the simplest. Recurve is ONE line of code (per channel) plus a bit of implementation. It’s a compressor, and this ‘preview’ look at it is a lot like when Spiral came out: this is Recurve as a […]

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Dave Robertson and the Kiss List

Decibelia Nix


GuitarTraveller – courtesy Johnny Wishoff

Podigy Podcast Editing Service

Super Synthesis Eurorack Modules

Very Rich Bandcamp

If you’re pledging the equivalent of three or more plugins per year, I’ll happily link you on the sidebar, including a link to your music or project! Message me to ask.