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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.



TL;DW: Kalman is not a real filter! So… come with me, if you will, on this journey. There’s a huge amount of audacious Airwindowsness that hinges on this little bit of code that was never meant to work for audio purposes. This isn’t just from finance or science, it’s literally from GPS satellites and […]


TL;DW: Trianglizer is a special waveshaper that can transform sines into triangles. This should be interesting. It’s a waveshaper with a couple unusual tricks. Meet Trianglizer. The first thing it can do is turn full-scale sines into triangle waves… sort of. The slope on the triangle wave is slightly inconsistent (because there isn’t a […]


TL;DW: Overheads is for compressing only part of the sound, strangely! I could say this was a compressor for putting on drum overheads to take out the drums and leave only the cymbals, but that would only be scratching the surface… Overheads is one of those old Airwindows plugins built on really strange ideas. […]


TL;DW: FinalClip is one stage of ADClip8 set up to clip +6dB for Final Cut Pro. If you like ADClip8, this came first and is basically the seed of ADClip8. FinalClip is a few variations on ClipOnly2, with a bit of slew clipping thrown in, and adjusted to work specifically for Final Cut Pro, […]

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handsewn bespoke digital audio

Kinds Of Things

The Last Year

Patreon Promo Club

Dave Robertson and the Kiss List

Decibelia Nix


GuitarTraveller – courtesy Johnny Wishoff

Podigy Podcast Editing Service

Super Synthesis Eurorack Modules

Very Rich Bandcamp

If you’re pledging the equivalent of three or more plugins per year, I’ll happily link you on the sidebar, including a link to your music or project! Message me to ask.