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Hi! I've got a new plugin you can have! These plugins come in Mac AU, and Mac, Windows and Linux VST. They are state of the art sound, have no DRM, and have totally minimal generic interface so you focus on your sounds.

Zero Latency


TL;DW: Pafnuty2 is a Chebyshev filter, that adds harmonics, and fits in the VCV Rack port. Pafnuty is a Chebyshev filter. What are those? Well, it’s not much like your usual filter: you don’t use this to roll off highs or lows (though under some conditions you might be able to do any of […]


TL;DW: CStrip2 refines and optimizes CStrip, by request! It’s been a while since we’ve seen an Airwindows channel strip! Here’s why CStrip2 is here. First, I was asked to do it. Specifically, I was asked to take the delay-trim and gate out of CStrip, and also to replace the highpass and lowpass with Capacitor, […]


TL;DW: Chamber2 is a feedforward reverb, a blur delay, and a glitch topping! Sometimes you just want to watch the glitch BURN… So here’s what happened. I wanted to try a modification to Chamber. It’s a reverb where every delay time inside the feedforward network was exactly the golden ratio of the next. Why? […]


TL;DW: SlewSonic combines SlewOnly with ultrasonic filtering to solo brightness. This plugin was a journey! The video isn’t even its final form. The idea was to find out whether SlewOnly aliases. Could you filter out ultrasonics and get a smoother SlewOnly? The answer is ‘kinda’, but then things got out of hand… SlewSonic lets […]

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handsewn bespoke digital audio

Kinds Of Things

The Last Year

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Dave Robertson and the Kiss List

Decibelia Nix


GuitarTraveller – courtesy Johnny Wishoff

Podigy Podcast Editing Service

Super Synthesis Eurorack Modules

Very Rich Bandcamp

If you’re pledging the equivalent of three or more plugins per year, I’ll happily link you on the sidebar, including a link to your music or project! Message me to ask.